
Friday 28 February 2020

Cozy Mornings: Reading Socks, Pups and Coffee Mugs

In my real, day to day life, mornings are busy and a time to get things off the ground as soon as the alarm sounds off at 5:30 a.m.   That's life and that how things get done.  That being said, I have embraced and absolutely covet my lazy mornings that weekends sometimes bring, and even more so our lazy mornings at the cabin.  When we are at the cabin, especially in the winter, there is nothing to wake up and get going for.  It's all about having too many cups of coffee, cuddling up on the couch, reading our books and enjoying our time together.  The teen doesn't usually emerge from her bedroom until 11 a.m. and the little one usually sleeps in as well or joins us on the couch for a good old cuddle like when she was teeny-tiny.

Last year, I invested in a few lounging pieces.  Usually my collection of sleepwear are old t-shirts and random pj pants I've had for 10+ years.  This is an areas that was lacking so last year I invested in a cozy, fleece lined nightgown that I found and knew immediately that would be perfect for the cool winter mornings at the lake.  Pair it up with leggings and my reading socks and sometimes you'll find me sporting this way past noon.  My dad would be mortified, he likes people to get dressed as soon as they are out of bed, but at the lake, regular life rules DO NOT APPLY.  I also have this adorable floral robe that I use int he spring and all summer long, while I drink my coffee on the desk, basking in the early morning sun, see here.

All the pictures of my husband and I are done courtesy of our 10 year old photographer.  I think she did very well.  

Do you invest in some cute lounge wear or sleepwear pieces?

Shop This Post:
My items are old so I am linking up a couple of new and in-stock, cozy options for you below.
Winter Wonderland Sleep shirt (on sale $12)
Reading Socks (

Friday 21 February 2020

Into the Winter Woods in Sorel Boots

Hahaha.  When you live where I live you need to own a pair of Sorrel boots.  Yep.  You want to keep your toes warm and cozy, you get a pair.  They aren't much a fashion statement, and I certainly don't wear them for doing my errands but I do wear them for getting outdoors and enjoying our long winters.  I used to buy cheaper versions of the same thing and they just never got the job done, honestly.  Several years ago now I bit the bullet, paid the full price and have never looked back.  We even invested in the same pair for our oldest last winter and she loves them too!  I wear them for outdoor supervision and anytime we go to play outdoors and each time my toes thank me for it.  

So while out at the cabin over the winter holidays we had some amazingly warm weather.  We enjoyed a walk with the pups and then a quite hot chocolate while looking out on the frozen lake.  Though we had our jackets, mitts and toques, it was warmish and I took the opportunity to take these pictures (minus the winter coat).  On warm days, when spring is upon us, I would totally be caught wearing this while at the lake. I like my sorrel boots even as the temperatures warm up because as the snow begins to melt, they keep my feet dry, because of the thick rubber soles and rubber bottoms.  Often it's still too chilly just for rain boots in the early days of melting. Also, if I am at a ski resort, you bet this would be my go- to outfit.  Sporty, cozy and chic.

And how much do I adore this zebra print sweater!!!!  It pairs well jeans, my suede skirt, faux leather leggings and over my favorite pair of denim overalls.  It's super soft and every time I wear it to work, someone or several people, end up petting me. Hahahaha.

Shop This Post:
Sorel Women's Caribou Boots (Cabela's on sale $149.99)
H & M Zebra Sweater (on sale for $29.99)

Friday 14 February 2020

Let's Talk Wellness: Pre-Planning My Workouts

Most people ask how I manage to get my workouts done while also working full-time, cooking, being a mom, blogging and still having a life.  Well, I'll say that next to my family, working out is a top-priority for me.  I put thought and intention into how and when I will be working out.   I know that in this season of my life I look for high intensity work outs, ones that build muscle and cardio into them, and that I can get within 30 -60 minutes, including travel time.  I have also come to value my lower key activities such as walking the dogs, yoga, cross-country skiing or playing outdoors with my family,  in the evenings and on weekends.  I also used to run early on Saturdays and Sundays but I am so exhausted by the time the weekend rolls around that I really appreciate the lazy mornings that the weekends bring.  Drinking my coffee.  Reading or blogging in my bed.  And planning for the week ahead. 

One of my rituals is pre-planning my workouts for the week.   I sit down with my work schedule, the weather app, the schedule at my gym, connect with my running partner, and pre-plan my workouts for the week ahead. I still use a paper calendar and have a special green pen to write down all of my workouts in green.  Because early mornings are tough, I usually strive for four days a week and on the weekend I leave it more open ended to  enjoy a seasonal  activity with my family/husband  and I try to squeeze in a quick yoga session.  I don't love yoga but I need to be intentional about stretching my hips, hamstrings and lower back as a runner.  My favorite free website is Do Yoga With Me .  It's provides a  lot of variety of yoga levels, class lengths, and types of yoga, all for FREE! So in my calendar I schedule and commit to 5 days of pre-planned activities. 2 runs, lane swim, shred workout or a tabata workout, yoga, and the other days are just open to whatever possibilities might arise.  Also, I want to note that these commitments are mostly done at home and I keep them anywhere between 30 - 60 minutes, so that it's manageable to still get ready for work.  I keep any extra or different workouts, like swimming/spin/gym, very close to my home, so that travel time is minimal and if I go there, I often go straight to work form the workout location.

Pre-planning my activity, writing it down, creates a COMMITMENT.  It creates ACCOUNTABILITY to myself and my well being. 

I am trying to figure out how to add more strength training to my workouts these days and I love how easy and fast the Jillian Micheal workouts are and how I feel afterwards.

Getting outside more with my family and husband has become a top priority for me on the weekends.

Lane swimming has become a great alternative workout in the winter!

So my tips for you are:

1.  Be honest with what you can do each week.  Is it 3 days a week?  4? 5?

2.  What do you actually enjoy doing?   I don't love yoga so I've decided to keep it to 20 minutes a week, only out of necessity.

3.  Have a conversation with your partner.  My husband and I came to an agreement that early mornings are best for our family, but it does mean that he is on his own in the mornings with the kids.  Yes, even when they were little.  Also it means that we have everything ready to go the night before. 

4.  Pre-plan your week with your workouts.

5.  Have a buddy.  You won't bail on a friend like you bail on yourself.

6.  Take a week off when you absolutely need it, but don't go over a week because it's extremely difficult to come back from it!

Me and my running buddy run usually once a week.  One 5-6 run and we try for one longer run every week.

How do you stay on track with your workouts?

Friday 7 February 2020

Red Pants for Valentines Day, or Any Other Day

Is it really a Valentine's Day outfit?!?  Not really.  I'd wear it ANY day of the week.  These cropped  red pants have been on repeat since last spring when I picked them up on a "sisters weekend" trip up to Edmonton, AB.   I love the way I styled them with my polka dot top in the spring, see here, but I am also digging this winter outfit with a simple black turtleneck and some booties.  I love how a black turtleneck comes off polished, strong and sophisticated.  It also helps create  very definitive lines and curves.  It took me a while to find the right turtleneck last winter but once I did, I instantly knew it.

Anyway, we are very low key for Valentines day.  No presents.  No special plans.  Not even  cards honesty.  We just never really got into it as a couple.  Sure when we were in high school, we bought the cheap heart shaped boxes of chocolates and a card, but we don't even make an effort anymore.  This is not to be confused with not caring or not putting each other first.  We do.  But I think we do these things throughout the year that V-Day just isn't really a big deal to us.  We  used to schedule a  date nights every month or month an a half,  but now that the girls are so much more independent we actually spend a lot more quality time just doing stuff like skiing together, going for walks, going shopping, walking around our city, etc.  That all being said, my perfect date night is going for dinner or a walk in our city, and then winding up at home with a good bottle of wine and delicious chocolates from a specialty chocolate store such as Purdys.  Also last year we were in Mexico and I loved getting all dressed up for to celebrate the holiday, see here.  In fact that was my  favorite Valentines Day  outfit and date ever 💗.

This year we'll drive up to the lake for an extra long weekend as a family.  We might visit with the neighbors, enjoy outdoor activities, play some games, but Logan and I will likely end our evenings together exactly like this, having a glass of wine together.  It's perfect to me.
So what are your Valentine's Day plans?

Shop This Look:
Black Turtleneck (similar @ Zara)
Wool Coat ( similar @ Aritzia)