
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Simply Casual

Last week the temperature took a dip back down in e and it was cooler than we had been experiencing, but this week its full on summer weather!!!  Anyway due to the chill, my body kind of aching and a lack of time/desire to shave my legs I spent a lot of time in pants.  Some weeks you just want to live in your jeans,  but due to work office dress code these two simply casual outfits were a perfect match. 


#1  Leggings, tunic, a lovely spring floral scarf I picked up at Reitman's for $5 and I added some bling with a new/borrowed from my mom H & B bracelet.  Click on over to the Blended Blog to check out how other ladies are styling this prompt. 

H & B Renee Bracelet

Simons Tunic (similar)

Floral Infinity Scarf


#2 Linen pants, printed top, blush purse (by far my favorite color this season) and nautical wedges.  Oh, and this is my old hair that desperately needed a makeover which it got over the weekend :) 

Bird Print Top RW & Co.

Casual Trousers (similar)

Wedges (similar)


Here are the Polyvore I  looks created for week 4 utilizing  my capsule wardrobe. 




  1. Such cute looks, and I LOVE your blush purse! So pretty!

  2. I love the colour combos you put together!!!

  3. You are adorable. LOVE the first one. I also love your bag. I am waiting the day when I don't need to pack a backpack full of stuff!

    1. I love taking just my purse and remember when I actually stopped even taking snacks or water bottles for the kids. Just tonight Anya asked me if I packed her water bottle for the park and I was like, "Nope. If you need/want it, it's your job to pack it." :)

  4. That scarf with that shirt is perfect! You Polyvore graphic is spot on!

    1. Thanks so much. The Polyvore really makes it easy for me to organize my outfits for the week and getting dressed in the morning is a breeze.

  5. What a great look! So pretty from head to toe. Thanks for linking up with Style Perspectives today!

  6. I love your whole capsule! Great looks:) Thanks for joining us:)

    1. Thanks so much Nicole. It has been a great little project and I am finding getting dressed in the morning so much easier. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Yay, YOU!! Thank you for joining us and thank you for doing it with such polish. Your color palette is so pretty and I am coveting that bag. Have been wishing a blush bag would fall from the heavens onto my arm but hasn't happened. About ready to see what I can do to make that happen.

    1. Leslie, thank you so much for your kind words. The Blended Blog is such a lovely group and mix of women. I had to giggle at your comment regarding the blush bag because that's how I felt about it last spring. I was on a mission to find one during out trip to the US and almost came home empty handed, thankfully not. :) Thank you for stopping by.
