
Thursday 16 January 2020

Wellness Weekend: Winter Running Gear

I live in Saskatchewan and generally our winters are long, end of October-March, and  often quite cold, -20C/-4F  is often the norm and it can get way colder than that for at least for a couple of  weeks.  The wind can be so vicious making it unbearable at times.  That all being said I like to keep my outdoor running routine outside as much as possible.  I will say that I am somewhat of a fair weather runner, there are a lot of hard core people around here, but my general rule is outdoors up to -22C and then  I move my runs to my treadmill.  I also change up my workout routine during the winter months to incorporating lane swimming and spin classes once or twice a week, and only do 2 -3 runs a week.  I run with my friends, solo or with my fur babies by my side.  Sometimes I run 5 km, other times as far as 12km in the winter, all weather dependent.  The important thing is that I keep moving and staying active thorough the winter months and a big part of that is dressing for comfort.  Today, I am specifically focusing on the clothing that I use when running outdoors.  Most of the items that I own are old and I don't update them very often to be honest (I've linked up new versions of these items).  I made the investment 3 or 4 years ago and apart from bras and shoes which I buy once a year, they are still working for me.  

1.  Mitts & Buff:  I have poor circulation so I wear an old pair of snowboarding mitts, they keep my hands warm but they can get sweaty inside.  My next purchase is going to be specific winter running mitts that are breathable.   I love my Buff and I wear it most of the time as a headband to keep my ears warm.  When it's extreme cold or the windchill is nasty, I will use one to cover my ears and another one to cover my face.  I don't like the full balaclavas, as I don't like something over my mouth, it gets soggy and gross.  



2. Pants to layer:  I have a pair of Lululemon First Mile Tech Tight  (they come in three colors) and you can wear these on their own when the weather is mild, around 0C, or my cheap hack for colder temps is to layer them under fleece lined leggings that I purchased from Costco.  When the wind is  nasty or the weather gets colder than -20C then I wish I had a pair of real thermal/wind resistance tights such as these Craft Storm Tights  that are super warm and also wind resistant.  


Lululemon Leggings  (Underlayer, fall/mild winter running weather)

Thermal Leggings 

Craft Storm Tights

3.  Mid-Layer & Jacket:  You need a good mid-layer that's breathable.  I wear my mid-layer top from lululemon all the time, spring, fall and winter!!!   I use it as my main layer in fall/spring and a mid-layer for winter running; it's well worth the money.  My best purchase was my running jacket that I received for Christmas like five + years ago.  It's breathable, looks good, fits well, , has reflective features, versatile and keeps me warm.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  It is $$$  but I have never regretted it. 

Ron Hill Stride Hybrid Jacket  (currently on sale!)

Swiftly Tech Lululemon Mid-Layer

4.  Spikes!  If it's icy where you live, make sure to get some spikes.  They are cheap and I was so surprised at how well they work.  One of the things I hated about running in winter the few times I tried was that you had to be slow and cautious which ruined my stride. Not with the spikes, you can just run! 


5.  Shoes.  I run a fair amount, approximately 20-30 km/week during the spring/summer/fall season, so good shoes are key.  They are expensive but I do invest in shoes in order to help my knees, hips and back  stay on track.  I recommend going to a running store that will fit you in the right type of shoe.  Also put the shoes to the test a couple of times on the treadmill to make sure that you like the fit, they should feel good and comfortable right off the bat and not be something you work into.  I have the same shoes now for a number of years, I just get the newest model.  I am not linking them up because everyone needs something different form their shoe so go and get fitted to save your feet.

6.  Socks.  I just wear my regular puma socks and it's enough for me but you could invest in some Winter Running Socks to keep your toes warm. 

MONEY SAVING TIP:  Don't go out and buy everything new because winter running gear is expensive.  Go through your toques, mitts, and current running gear and use them as layers for the time being and invest in a good shoes, coat, spikes and pants over time.  I am telling you, you buy them once and they will last you years if you take care of them well.  This is one time, I don't care if I match or how I look, my goal is exercise and comfort, not fashion.

For more tips for running in cold weather check out this article Running Room

The cold never bothered me anyway.  - Elsa

What does your winter workout routine look like?


  1. I wish I was brave enough to run outside in the winter.

    1. Well it's not for everyone and five years ago I would have said NO WAY to it as well. Having a group of friends that get out there helps a lot and slowly I've adjusted and accumulated the things I need. I do however say NO most days once it gets to (feels like) -25C. I am out and on the treadmill.

  2. You are so tough for running in those temps and running for every day in December! Congrats! I love running, and I really like running on the treadmill, so I'm always there in the winter. This is a great list for winter running, and I usually add a fleece beanie or at least a fleece earwarmer, since cold ears can be more painful that one would think!

    1. Hi Kristin, thanks for stopping by. YES a toque or a fleece beanie is a MUST! I am with you, most people hate the treadmill but I really don't mind it at all, I get to put my music on and just run. It gets a little daunting here because the winter is SUPER long so having the right gear to get outside when the weather is okay and stay inside when it's really not. Have a great day!

  3. Wow, running it that weather is serious business! I've been trying to be more conscious of my exercise routine and with our mild weather this past week was able to go for a brisk walk, biking, went to the gym twice and used my weights and trampoline. 5 for 5. Hope I can create a habit of it and do this every week.

    1. You killed it! That's fantastic. I would really like to just make 30 minutes a day of moving my body intentionally my goal. Be it a run, a class, a walk with the dogs, swimming, biking, etc. Just moving my body in a good way. I love the variety that you incorporate into your routine.

  4. Good for you for keeping your exercise routine even in the winter. I didn't know that you're in SK. I'm in ON. I agree dressing in layers is key and the right materials are well worth the money. Thank you for joining us in the Wellness Weekend series. The next link up is on Feb 16. #WW2020

    1. Well we are kind of neighbors! Fun. It's really not that bad. You get used to it and if you just keep going form summer into fall, into winter, young lungs and body just adjust. :)

  5. That is awesome that you keep running throughout winter!! We hike here and there but I do need it to be somewhat warm and preferably even sunny to be motivated to get outside.

    1. Thanks for the words of praise. Honestly, it's just becomes part of your reality and for the most part when you are dressed for it, it's okay. Don't get me wrong I wish the winter here was wayyyy shorter and also that it didn't go into extreme cold temps but, it is what it is.

  6. I'm impressed you go our and run in such cold temperatures! It never even gets that cold here in Brisbane, I can't imagine wanting to go out in those temps voluntarily, haha! You do a great job and it's great you have all the gear you need and can share that advice with others :)

    Hope that you are having a great week :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thanks for the words of praise. Honestly, it's just becomes part of your reality and for the most part when you are dressed for it, it's okay. Don't get me wrong I wish the winter here was wayyyy shorter and also that it didn't go into extreme cold temps but, it is what it is.

  7. I am so impressed! And so glad that you linked up with us. I used to run outside but haven't in about 8 years. Would like to get back to doing it because it is much more entertaining to run outdoors than on the treadmill at the gym. Maybe this spring I can try it again. I just cannot believe you run in such cold temps...had to look up the conversion of 22*C to F. OH MY GRAVY!! You are my winter running muse. Maybe tomorrow I will try a jog around the block in addition to my gym workout. If you can do it below freezing, I can surely do it in our moderate winter temps. Love all of your toasty clothing, too. That Lululemon long sleeved midlayer is so cute. And your winter scenery is breathtaking.

    1. Favorite like of this post is "oh my gravy". Cracked me up. I just love that to pieces and you for saying it. I actually don't mind running on the treadmill, not for long long runs, but 4-6 km, I kind of like that I can completely just get lost in my thoughts. I hope you do get outdoors when the weather is right for you, but do whatever makes you happy a d works for you ☺️

  8. Bo, this is such a great post and very informative! I never knew about the spikes for your running shoes. What a fantastic thing. It gets very cold and icy where I live as well which keeps me mostly confined indoors. But I do need to get better about getting out in the fresh air more often even if it is cold.


  9. The spikes are amazing and they just pull on/off your running shoes. Super easy. Makes even taking the dogs out for walk much easier and safe. Worth the $30. And I've had mine for 5 years.

  10. I thought the spikes were separate running shoes like what track runners wear. I didn’t realize they just attach to your shoes! Then yesterday I was in the mountains in Colorado and saw a guy out running and I could hear his spikes and thought of you! I can’t imagine running at 10,000 feet though! I run through the winter but it only gets to 28° F where I live and only on a few days. I never thought about layering leggings! Great tip! Thanks!
