The second installment of the Mommy Diaries Series comes to you from my friend Heather, check the first article here. Heather is a full-time working mother to two lovely children, Anna and Niall. She is a positive and extremely reflective individual. I am always drawn to her calming presence and she challenges me to always live in the moment and to not take anything in my life for granted. I am thrilled to have her as a guest blogger here today to share her story.
Harsh Reality
They say ignorance is bliss. Looking back, I’m just thankful my ignorance did not cost my son his life. As a baby learning to eat, he’d spit out muffins, pancakes, and cookies. “Wow, what a good eater my son is. He doesn’t have a sweet tooth,” I’d tell myself. I remember trying to get him to eat scrambled eggs. His sister loved scrambled eggs, but oh no, not my son. His stubbornness amazed me as he’d seal his lips with a strong and determined force. “What a kid, he’s so strong-willed!” I’d think. I followed all the baby advice from health care professionals about the ages and stages of what to feed my baby. I hadn’t gotten around to trying to give him peanut butter by the time his first birthday rolled around. Looking back now, I guess that last month before his first birthday I was a little distracted with his new vomiting thing (which I’m sure I chalked up to teething or him just having caught a bug). Now I look back and shudder at my ignorance.
My son’s
first birthday party is when it all made sense. The light came on and “food
allergy” became a real thing to us. We had a house full of people, food on the bbq,
salads and snacks on the island and an adorable bumble-bee cake ready to be
devoured by my one year old. We all fussed over my sweet little boy who was
sitting in his high chair, elbow deep in potato salad. All of a sudden he was
covered head to toe in a rash! One of our guests happened to be a nurse. She said
to give him Benedryl. Okay, Benadryl given and rash subsided. The party must go
on! “Here baby boy have some yummy birthday cake!” Within moments he was
vomiting all over his high chair. Needless to say, the party did not go as
planned. The next day I was on the phone to the doctor to book an appointment.
Could it be? Was it possible for my son to have a food allergy?
to Accept Life with Food Allergies
My husband and I had heard of food allergies. I’d taught kids with food allergies. Some of our closest friends have severe food allergies. But neither my husband nor I had ever been directly impacted by the reality of living with food allergies. Wow! What a wake-up call it was! After getting our son tested for an egg allergy we found out he also had a peanut allergy that was much more severe than the egg allergy. Although peanut allergies seem to be more and more common these days, I had absolutely no idea what living with food allergies meant and how it would alter the way I approach food for the rest of my life.
Learning my kid had life-threatening
allergies sure kicked my mothering worry gene into full force. At first, I was
confused as to what this meant for him and our family. How could this happen to
him and not my daughter? What did I do differently during pregnancy? Would we
ever eat in a restaurant again? And on and on and on . . . As I was learning
how to do deal with all the confusion and worrying, there were also moments of
sheer panic when I realized I was seconds away from feeding my kid something
that I’d
forgotten to read the label of! It was no easy feat learning to take the time
to read the labels of every single sauce, spice, side dish, and baking
At first, I missed peanuts, a lot! I
longed for my care-free food
choices and resented not being able to eat nuts or eggs. Much of my early
struggle with navigating this new world of ‘food allergy’ was about me and my
selfish ways. I didn’t want to change, but I knew I had to because it was what
was needed for my son. The fact that I was responsible for what foods entered
his body was somewhat daunting. However, I soon came to terms with the fact
that food allergies were a part of our life. I learned to educate myself about
label checking and contamination. Paying attention to every single food helped
us and it’s really the only way to ensure you’re successful.
and May Contain . . . Labels
We had a scare when my son was three. According to the doctor it was an allergy mistake. To this day we still have no idea what caused it. The only thing we can think of is that something he ate was cross contaminated. It was honestly the scariest day of my life as a mom. I hope that none of you ever have to go through giving your child and epi-pen and a trip to Emergency. As for the labels that say may contain traces of . . . Many people say this is the company’s way of covering their butts and that it’s probably fine. Um . . . hello?! . . . That may be true. Other people may have a higher tolerance of risk-taking than I do, but I say, “thank you!” In my opinion this is the company’s way of potentially saving my child’s life from cross-contamination! I most definitely stay away from food that says may contain traces of peanuts. I’m not willing to gamble my son’s life on a label or on the words “probably fine.”
Things to Stay Away from that may be Cross-contaminated:
by anyone, except mom or grandma (includes bakeries)
bought or stored in bulk
candy machines
candy packages
Tips You Need to Follow When You’re Learning to Live with Food Allergies:
1. Get over it. Get used to the fact that no matter how prepared you are there are going to be disappointments. Your child will cry that others are allowed something he / she’s not. Please remember that you, as the parent, will not be able to have everything you once used to have too. Oh well, it’s better than a trip to the emergency room (and believe me that’s not fun!) Communicate with your child and guide them through your thinking. The more times you explain the circumstances and reality of food allergies to your child, the more he / she will grow to accept it too.
Talk about it. You are your child’s best advocate in every area
of life. At daycare, at birthday parties, at the beginning of every school year
and new sports season mention your child’s allergies to the teachers, coaches
and other parents. Have an epi-pen ‘dummy’ on hand to teach babysitters,
teachers and anyone else who wants to know how to use the epi-pen. Talking
about it is imperative to keeping your child safe, especially in the early
Always Ask. Teach your child to ask before they eat and to
always err on the side of caution if he /she’s unsure.4.
Trust with caution. I’m the first to admit I do not want to
bubble-wrap my kid. However, you need to realize that not everyone will fully
understand what the implications of a food allergy are.
Be prepared. Think ahead and save yourself and others
unnecessary worry. You can’t expect others to put your needs at the forefront
of their thoughts. Cupcakes in the freezer are helpful for birthday parties, a
baggie of treats sent to school at the beginning of the year is helpful for
miscellaneous treat days and a packed lunch kit is perfect for potlucks or play
Carry the dang epi-pen. We bought a neoprene epi-pen belt from that my son wears every day.
It is peace of mind for me to know that in a school with hundreds of kids and
numerous supervisors that he always has his life saving medicine on him, should
he need it. The visible pouch allows him to be noticed by his peers and to have
conversations with them about why he needs to carry it.
5 years of living with food allergies I’d say my son is well on his way to
being a confident and independent little human who understands that his
allergies are his. He may not like them and it may not be fair, but he knows
what he has to do to keep himself safe. And as his mom, I take the
responsibility of teaching him how to safely navigate through life very
I can only imagine how hard it must be sometimes to worry about if he comes in contact with things that he isn't supposed to eat. I'm glad that you caught things early on and could make the changes. I love that he is confident and knows that his safety is so important. Sierra~Beautifully Candid