
Friday 14 September 2018

Pretty in Pink & Purple With Some New Friends

Transitions seem to be the theme of my posts this week, see here.  Fall has descended upon us and as sad as I am to put away my shorts, tank tops and bare legs for another season, I do love restyling favorite pieces for the season ahead.  Duster cardigans have quickly become a favorite of mine over the last year, and have replaced all of my shorter cardigans from a few years ago. This gorgeous cardigan was a Nordstrom purchase this past spring while I was in Portland and it was worth the price tag.  It’s not only my favorite color but the thread is shimmery, almost sparkly, adding a very sophisticated, feminine and elegant feel to the piece.  It’s truly stunning  all on it’s own, so I  often chose to keep the rest of my outfit extremely simple, like this one.  I paired it with a simple white tee, gray pants (theses are my favorite brand and they carry them in multiple colors that rotate depending on the season), and nude heels.  A simple, long and elegant necklace to finish the outfit off is all that was needed. Duster cardigans are a piece that can stay in your closet year round but what you layer them over changes based on the season.

Now lets talk about how this came to life.  To be honest it baffles me even now, several weeks after the fact, and brings a huge smile to my face.  Just when I was  feeling  a little unsure of continuing with the blog and wrestling with the idea of whether the time that I was putting into it was fulfilling me, I was invited by Deena, from Shoes to Shiraz, to join her and another fellow blogger Lana,  My New Happy, for a few days of getting to know each other.  I see this time we spent together as such a gift.  Not only because I had an absolute blast exploring my own city, or this photo shoot by the amazing Lovely Roots Photography, but because I got to meet two women that I respected, admired and looked up to.  I made a connection.  That connection would have never been a possibility had I not read their blogs, then been inspired to begin my own.  I’ve met women from across the world via blogging and many I will never meet in real life.  They are creative.   They are supportive.  They lift, rather than tear each other down.  It’s pretty special to be a part of that and I hope that someone sees me as their cheerleader as many have been mine.  So thank you ladies for stepping into my life at this particular time and thank you all for stopping by my blog. 

 Also, I want to highlight Lovely Roots Photography for these beautiful photos and for the two hours she spent with us.  If you are a Saskatchewan resident, make sure to check her FB page out and book your next session, you will not regret it!  

Shop This Post:  

Topshop Cardigan (Sold Out)  Options:  Nordstrom Rack#1; Nordstrom Rack #2

Banana Republic T-shirt

Design Lab Pants 

Hillberg & Berk Ellis Pendant Long Necklace


  1. You are so fun and such a cheerleader- I love being around you and I'm so glad you spent some time with us! Can't wait to have coffee or do something crazy with you again.

    1. Aww. You are too sweet and who is being my cheerleader now?!? I am totally in once your jetleg is over and September in my world is over.

  2. Oh these photos are gorgeous! The lighting is so pretty. You looked lie you had such a great time! xx Maria

    1. Thank you, the photographer was a dream to work with and made it all seem so natural.

  3. Hello pretty friend! That cardigan is seriously gorgeous on you. I'm SO glad that we were able to meet and spend some time together. You are an amazing woman and it was so much fun getting to know you better!

  4. Awww this is so much fun! I love the pictures of you and how happy you all look! Your duster is gorgeous and I'm so glad that you kept on with the blog to meet some amazing ladies!

    1. Thanks Ruth. It's such a different way to connect people, as you know. There are many ladies that I admire and look up to, including yourself.

  5. Sounds like an amazing time! Blogging is hard. I can attest to that but the connections you do make, make it worthwhile. Love your duster cardigan. The color is beautiful and it looks perfect for the upcoming season!

    Maureen |

    1. Agreed and I've really found comfort in your honesty about blogging in your own life and how you've chosen to pursue it.

  6. LOVE this post and blogger meet up! That cardi is so pretty and it looks a little light weight, so it'd work in early fall! Such gorg photos of you!


    1. Thank you so much Carrie. The photographer was a dream to work with, usually I am kind of awkward having my picture taken but it was such a fun and easy going day with the ladies and Larrissa.

  7. What beautiful pictures! I'm so glad that you got encouragement at just the right time! It's so important!

    Virginia | More to Mrs. E

    1. Thank you so much. We consistently talk about getting the supports in the "right time", responsible instruction, in the education field and that's exactly what I needed from someone else. :)

  8. Such a beautiful set of photos you have here dear! That duster is so cute on you!

    Jessica |

    1. Thank you so much Jessica. They really are lovely thanks to the photographer that was able to capture them while still maintaining what I actually look like. :)

  9. Lovely shrug. It's really an absolute delight to watch your clicks with full of happiness. Some pictures are breathtaking.

    Thanks for sharing!
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    1. Thank you so much for your kindness and hosting.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you so much. The photographer did an amazing job.

  11. What a fun weekend! Just love seeing bloggers supporting other bloggers and forming friendships. You all look lovely!

    Betsy |

    1. Right?!? I feel the same way! Thank you so much.

  12. Awesome lovely photos. Thanks for sharing :)
