Monday 6 May 2024

Currently: Busy Life Edition

Hi everyone.  Thanks for stopping by.  Today I am just updating you on my life.  It's BUSY, with all the right things, but I've decided that I can't keep up.  So I'll be taking a blogging break for May and June.  I'll be back in July when I am on summer vacay.  I'll be on IG whenever I can, but I've pulled back from that as well in order to make room for my girls, my training, busy spring season at work and my photography business.  Now let's dive in!

Currently FAMILY: The girls are so busy this spring and I am here to update you on their life.  Anya (14) has a big spring in store this year.  She is wrapping up her dance season at the end of May and is starting up baseball.  She will also be leaving elementary school at the end of June, which means she will have a grade 8 farewell.  Halie (17) is busy living her best teenage life, working and gearing up for another riding show season starting this upcoming weekend.  Needless to say the girls are busy and Logan and I are enjoying seeing them doing the things they love.  Logan is playing ball hockey twice a week and I am still loving my job, starting to train for some things I hope to do over the spring/summer, and my photography is really busy in May and June with graduations, mini sessions, etc.  So it's just busy all around until end of June.

Currently READING:  I just finished Hang the Moon by Janette Wells.  I give it a solid ⭐⭐⭐ 1/2.  It's a story of a young lady who inherits her fathers business, as well as his title during the prohibition era. It follows her not only coming of age, but managing her title in a time were women were just beginning to be acknowledged and to hold some position of power.  The book moves quickly, is entertaining, sweet and the main character is easy to love.  Although the story is downright unbelievable at times, it's a great and entertaining read nonetheless.  

Currently EATING:  I've decided to go back to a gluten free diet after years of being on gluten.  I've been suffering from weekly bouts of stomach pain that lays me up and leaves me feeling depleted.  This has happened before and at the time I was misdiagnosed with Celiac disease.  Although a year later I discovered that I was not Celiac, I did spend a ear symptom free.  Anyway, I am back to GF and feeling good so I am thrilled about that.  If you have favorite recipes or items that I should buy feel free to leave suggestions in the comments.

Current PARTY TRICK: Logan and I still love to be completely ridiculous at times.  When my daughter was trying a trick with her friend, I immediately felt the need to show her that we could still accomplish this just as good at our ripe age of 41 & 42.  We are still working on perfecting it but it's safe to say we have a new party trick.  LOL!

Currently WATCHING: A Million Little Things.  This is the best show I've seen in a LONG time.  We are now on season three and each has been as good as the previous.  The show revolves around 4 men that are close friends and then their families that feed into a larger friend group.  It's a lovely show that draws you into the story lines, the characters, and keeps you rooting for them all in different ways.  

Currently WEARING: Since the weather is all over the place, from snow last week, endless rain this week, and some really warm days, I have everything in my closet.  Some days its sweaters and boots, other days its a trench coat and an umbrella,  while others its bare legs and sandals.  We are all over the place over here.

That's a wrap for me.  I hope you are all doing well and I hope you'll be back with me in July, until stay well and follow along on IG.



  1. You're such an avid reader, Bo! Thanks for sharing this book. Also your outfits are super cute- I totally know what it's like when the weather can't decide what season it wants to be, haha. Thankfully, spring seems to have really taken hold down here in KC, so I'm enjoying that bit of weather-consistency!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  2. Hope you can enjoy your time away from blogging. I know you will be busy but glad you are spending time with the girls and focusing on your photography business during this season of graduations, dances, weddings and reunions.
    Look at you guys pulling out all the stops with your party trick!! A-MAZING!! I couldn't do that now, or when I was 41 or when I was 14!!
    Love your look in the family picture at the top. Is that a sweater? Or a soft sweatshirt? And your skirt is beautiful. Such a feminine, soft look. So YOU!!

  3. I'll miss you, but it is so hard to blog during the summer months. I've been trying to do 2 posts a week and may go back to 1! I love that your daughter does horse riding! I love that hot pink blazer. Good luck with going gluten free, it sounds like it'll give you some relief!!


  4. It really is crazy how life has been hectic! I mean how the heck are we mid-June? Didn’t we just start the new year? But it sounds like you have your hands full with all good things and that is amazing! And how cool is that party trick! Love it.

    Maureen |

  5. Hahah love that party trick. 👏
    Love your outfits with the hot pink. Such a staple!
