
Sunday, 23 February 2025

Top 5 of February Break and a Sparkly Dress

You guys, I am glad February is coming to an end!  February here has been not only cold but we had three weeks of steady Extreme Cold Weather warning.  It was BRUTAL and I consider myself a pretty hardy and optimistic person but I felt it soooo hard.  Needless to say 80% of our February week off from school, a winter break, was spent in the deep freeze meaning we had to find other ways to enjoy family time and make the most of it.  Thankfully the freezing broke through late Thursday and the last three days of the break were unbelievably beautiful.  Regardless of the weather, looking back I am grateful for the many memories and moments we created as a family.  

#1 Nephews & a niece

Our two nephews and niece came to spend two nights with us all by themselves.  We packed in as much as we could with them including a trip to the pool with waterslides, movie night, endless  games of Guess Who and other favorites, a trip to Dollarama, bowling, cotton candy, bedtime stories, morning cuddles and a special Go-Kart birthday experience for the oldest.  

#2 Happy 43rd Birthday to the Mr.

How lucky for Logan to have the littles sing him happy birthday first thing in the morning!  That evening we enjoyed hosting my family for desert and drinks and birthday festivities.  On Friday we had a whole day date just the two of us, keep scrolling.

Delicious no bake, GF cheesecake from Yum and Yummer Cookbook.
For the record this is my all-time favorite cookbook.

#3 Coffee Date with a Friend

My longtime friend Kelly and I met for a coffee date and here is the best part, we never run out of things to connect, laugh and lament over.  we need to do it so much more often but we always make time to reconnect via text between our real life visits and we decided to sign up for a spring duathlon together!

#4 Skiing/Snowboarding as a Family

On Saturday it was a glorious day.  Sunny, warm, no wind and both kids were free!  It's like we won the lottery!  We headed out the door early Saturday morning to a ski hill a couple of hours away.  We were on the chair lift right when it opened and we stayed until 4:20 when we finished our last run.  Doing something we all love together is the greatest gift I could ask for.  We had sooo many laughs throughout the day, especially when a bird pooped in the one empty seat between Logan and Halie on the chair lift.  Anya's boyfriend also joined us and he adds a great dynamic to our little group.  

#5 Day & Night Date

On Friday, Logan didn't work so I had planned a day long date for us.  We headed 45 minutes away to try out a new cross-country trail  that everyone raves about and it was so worth it.  We did the 9 km loop and were sweaty messes by the end, but loved it and vow to return again.  Fresh air, perfect snow conditions, breathtaking nature and great company.  Next time we are going to bring hotdogs, smores and hot chocolate to enjoy at the cute little warming shacks that they have available for use and pre-cut wood.  

Upon returning home we enjoyed a hot tub, coffee, followed by a mid-day nap.  Then we got dressed up and heading out to dinner at the Keg, one of Logan's favorites.  

That brings us to this cute little dress that I got in my hand me down bag from my sister.  I love the fun, sparkly dots all over, the easy flow of the dress making it super comfortable and how it moves when I move.  I paired it with black tights, because it's still cold, and my sparkly boots.  You all need a pair of sparkly boots.  I am being serious.  I feel like they add fun and pizzazz to every outfit in an instant.  These are from Ardenes, unfortunately all sold out but similar here, and although they were inexpensive they are surprisingly super comfortable to wear all day.

Happy almost March!


  1. Such a fun month!


  2. Loved reading your top five for this month!! That dress is so sparkly and fun! I also added that cookbook to my wishlist, your cheesecake looks amazing! Also, your coffee looks so pretty from your coffee date!

    Make Life Marvelous

    1. thanks so much Ashely. The cookbook is awesome, you will not be dissapointed.

  3. I am glad that the weather is no longer freezing. It’s hard to want to do anything when it is extremely hot or extremely cold. But despite that, it seems like you guys had a great month and happy birthday to your hubs! You did such a great job planning his special day. I love that dress! Looks so fun and perfect for the occasion. I need to do more meet ups with my friends. But life always get in the way. Lol

    Maureen |

    1. Yes, too hot or too cold can be a mood killer. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. You really packed in a lot in this short month! That cheesecake looks amazing!

  5. I am glad you were able to add in some fun despite the freezing cold! Those temps are hard for us to grasp! Loved following along with you all's time with the kiddos!

    1. I think little kids can make you have fun and certainly wont allow you to just sit around. LOL!

  6. That sounds like such a wonderful break! I love your sparkly dress and your day date sounds perfect.

  7. A day long date day AND evening sounds so great right now to me! Brian and I haven't had a lot of time to have a date together, but did get one in last month and it was so nice. I love your dress!


  8. You are a sparkly sensation in that dress! Hope your Mr. had a good birthday! You guys make the cutest couple! It’s a February to remember I hope the wonderful moments continue right on into March!

  9. What a fabulous hand me down!! Hubba hubba, you look stunning and styled it perfectly. Love all the fun you guys got into with the littles. And then to have a whole date day to yourselves!
