Friday, 25 May 2018
Thursday, 24 May 2018
Mother's Day Recap: Sometimes Low Key is All I Really Want
This post is a little behind but I was swamped both at work and
home last week so it just didn't get done. It was such a lovely
weekend that I wanted to put it down on paper to share with others but more importantly to have to remember for years to come as well.. Mother's day is not an extravagant holiday
for us. In fact, we keep it super simple and have for years. When
the girls asked me what I wanted my answer was simple and completely truthful,
"a picnic and a weekend of family time", and I feel like it's simply implied that
the girls would keep their bickering to a minimum. We long ago abandoned
the idea of $$ gifts, it's just not us, and instead have the kids create
homemade cards, letters, or crafts to share with us. We compile these
into a large book that we add to every year after mother’s and father’s day.
This book is fun to look at as the girls have grown and their expressions of
love have evolved with age.
We kicked it the weekend by indulging in our first ice cream cones at the corner store following Anya’s soccer game.

Saturday I surprised my mom and the girls by taking them all to get pedicures. Though this was a great idea, the salon we went to created a rather unpleasant experience and we didn’t exactly get what we wanted but never the less we enjoyed our time together.
Sunday, I was awakened to a house full of decorations and
love notes. Anya had woken up extra
early, 5:30 am, to decorate and then went back to bed. I could read sweet, tender and heartfelt
messages all day long. The girls and
Logan also brought me toast and coffee in bed, followed by sharing the most
beautiful they've written with me. I guess I am
doing alright at this mothering thing.
At 11 a.m. I was escorted out into a backyard that had been transformed into a tea party garden, fit for a queen and her princesses. We enjoyed tea also known as “Fresca”, a variety of snacks from the pantry, and some lovely picture books. The tea party eventually turned into “restaurant” play for all of us and then a lovely picnic lunch in the afternoon.
Late afternoon Logan and I dashed out for a 10 km run in the sweltering heat, followed by afternoon naps. You guys, one of the things I am most looking forward to in the summer and retirement are afternoon naps. I love them.
We wrapped the weekend off by having a BBQ in our backyard with my parents.
This is pretty much the best kind of Mother’s Day for me, low key, time with the kids and Logan. I don’t need more stuff, I just need to be grounded and removed from my never ending list of things to do, my phone and all social media. I hope all the moms out there were made to feel as special as I felt on this day!
What are your traditions for mother's day? Father's day?
Now that father's day is just around the corner, please share with me your best homemade father's day gifts and ideas.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Busy Mom Reading More in 2018: Book Review
Hi everyone. If you read my goal 2018 update last week, you might be already aware that I wanted to read a book a month in 2018 or a total of 12. So far I am doing pretty well and have completed five books in total, am almost done listening to two audiobooks and am reading my sixth. Below you'll find a couple of 5 star books, a couple of 4 star books, and a book I didn't even finish. Eek. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by.
☆☆☆☆ Talking as Fast as I Can: From Gilmore Girls to Gilmore Girls, and Everything in Between by Lauren Graham
If you’ve read my blog over the past year, you know I love Gilmore Girls and am now sharing the series with my girls as well. Who wouldn’t want have the mother-daughter relationship of Lorelai and Rory?!? I picked this book up over the Christmas holidays, so technically it was my first book completed in 2018 . It was an easy read, compiled of short stories from Lauren Graham’s life from an early age, to birth and growth of the Gilmore Girls, to the challenges that many face in Hollywood. At times all I could hear was Lorelai in my head, and other times it was what I would assume is the real Lauren. Excellent choice for a beach or road trip read this summer.
☆☆☆☆ The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin
Our book club kicked off 2018 with this book, The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin. This is a book that helps you discover which of the four tendencies, upholder, obliger, rebel or questioner, you most likely resemble. My best friend declared me an upholder even before I had a chance to research what the book was about or take the online quiz (take it if you haven't done it yet, it's FREE).. The author describes each of the tendencies with insight, hilarious examples and backs it with research. Though I clearly identified with the upholder tendency, I also have large pieces that fall into the obliger category, specifically when it comes to working in a primarily collaborative workplace, where going full steam ahead by yourself would result in little getting accomplished, not to mention a complete breakdown of the collaborative process. I didn't give it a five stars because I feel like it's not super simple to just fall into one category like the book sometimes reads.
☆☆☆☆☆ The Alice Network by Kate Quinn
Finally five stars and not because I choose this book for book club. Historical fiction, or regional fiction (not sure if this is a real category but a story that takes place in a country/culture I know little about such as the Kite Runner), have become my favorite reads as an adult in my 30's. The story takes place between WWI and WWII in France, with the main characters coming together in an unlikely search of a young woman. Throughout their journey the story of heroic women comes to live as they became secret agents during WWI. Everyone in the book club LOVED this book. The characters are rich, interesting, troubled, heroic and compelling.
☆☆☆☆☆ I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh
Giving it five stars, like the Alice Network, but for completely different reasons. This is a fast-paced, criminal, suspense novel that develops all the characters fully and makes you sit at the edge of your seat. There are very few books now days that I will stay up past 11p.m. to read, but this one did. I read it in less then a week, which is quick for me. Within the first few pages a death happens and your are thrown into a race for truth and justice, though the truth is often not what it seems.
☆☆☆ The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson
Usually, I am all over books like this but the first couple chapters almost had me throwing in the towel. I swear and am rarely offended, but the word was used as a gimmick and it got old very quickly and became super annoying. That all being said I am glad I pushed through because it became much more thought-provoking and less vulgar. There were some key lessons that I took away from the book is are:
"Do Something" Principle (p. 158). Even when you are feeling stuck, or overwhelmed, just pick a place to start and get moving forward in whatever, rather than just spinning. I love this idea and try to use it whenever I am overwhelmed b the sheer amount of work that's on my plate.
"Action isn't just the effect of motivation; it's also the cause of it." (p. 160)
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
I quit reading it around page 235 out of
600+. No review really except that it’s
long. The characters are more interesting
then I originally thought they would be, and the writing was dense but
draws you in. My demise came when I left
the book for over a week, and just didn’t find it compelling enough to return
to, especially with over 400 pages to go.
😊 I think I’ll watch the Nextflix version
What do you do when a book just doesn’t draw you completely in?
Do you jump ship?
Do you push on?
How long before
you throw in the towel?
Thursday, 3 May 2018
Rocking the Pencil Skirt
I love a good pencil skirt. Every time I wear a pencil skirt, I feel like a powerful, intelligent, witty, sexy woman. When I am wearing a pencil skirt and blouse, I feel like I am channeling my inner Jessica, Donna and Rachel from Suits at the same time. A powerful combination.

I usually don't spend a ton of money on clothing but a solid, black, pencil skirt never goes out of style so it's worth the investment to get one that fits you super well. I generally prefer a high-waist pencil skirt so I can tuck my blouse in, but I know that not everyone is comfortable having their belly so exposed and that's a personal preference (disclaimer, I also have those days and there is not way I'd be caught tucking my skirt in and will likely be wearing a flowy tunic to hide the bloating). If you prefect to wear a top that isn't tucked in, I would stray away from super long or flowy tops. Keep the top so it's hits you at the hip and helps define your shape. Show off your curves ladies and be proud! Either way, a nice structured pencil skirt always looks polished and feminine for any occasion and it's such an easy last minute look.
Now I want to acknowledge and celebrate a blogging friend Ada from Elegance and Mommyhood on her birthday. Happy birthday girl! Ada has supported me and featured me on her blog a few times over the last couple of years. She loves to play with clothes, colors and textures and brings in to life every week on Thursday over at her blog. Hope over to the blog to see what she is wearing and what many other ladies, across the ages and the world, are wearing.
A Message from Ada:
"Every year that I have been blogging, since I became a mom, I thought it would be fun to have a Blog Birthday Party on my blog, including other fashionistas and blogging friends. It started in 2013 and this is the 6th year of this fun birthday tradition. When I first started it in 2013 as a beginner, I invited my closest 5-6 blogging buddies who came to visit, read and comment my blog on a daily basis. Over the last 3 years this fun party has grown and it has become a two-day celebration. This year I am joined by another 20 fashionistas who I am lucky to call my friends and who are all super stylish to boots. A lot of these ladies have been celebrating my birthday with me on the blog other years too and I am very glad and flattered to see them return. Thank you beauties for making this tradition super fun, joyful and fashionable once again! Cheers with a Pinot Noir! Here is to another year of getting older and hopefully wiser!!"
Onto the Link-Up Birthday Party!
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