Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Ageless Style: Styling Booties for the Holiday Season

The holiday season is officially upon us and what better way then to kick it off with a holiday style outfit idea!  This months  Ageless Style prompt was booties and I couldn't wait to share these white ones with you all!   Recently Mr. and I finally went out on a date night and I was excited to finally pull out my pair of white booties.  Last winter/spring I searched all over the place for a pair of white booties but had no luck locally, so this year when I stumbled upon these online on major sale I snagged them up quickly.  I love booties and have several pairs including black, navy, snakeskin, burgundy,  and now white.  More than any other style, the bootie is my favorite ranging from low ankle to more mid-calf like these ones.  I love them paired with skinny jeans, leggings and a oversized sweater/sweater dress, or with a maxi or midi-skirt like I am styling here.  I adore how this outfit came together and I was able to shop my closet for everything other than the new booties!  This metallic print skirt has been one of the best pieces I've purchased because it elevates any outfit and it's perfect for the holiday season.   I've styled it multiple times in various seasons including summer, fall, and winter, see HERE and HERE.  Since we don't go out a lot, I went all out by adding all my sparkly jewelry from Hillberg and Berg including these rose gold earrings and stackable bracelets.  

What did we do for date night?  We went on a double date with good friends to the Imagine Van Gogh exhibit in town.  At first I wasn't sure that I wanted to spend the $ on this event but I am so glad we did.  It was an incredible experience and I truly would recommend it.  It's an immersive experience as you place yourself in the middle of a large space and watch Van Gogh's art come to life as projections on oversized screens.  We ended up watching the show twice from different parts of the space to have the chance to take it all in.  Before entering the art exhibit you have a chance to read and learn about Van Gogh's life and the ups and downs that he went through in his short 37 years of it.  A very talented man haunted by  schizophrenia, and in the end he ended up taking his own life with a revolver.  His work depicted how he saw himself, the people around him, and  the various places he visited and lived in his life.  He found so much beauty in his observations and feelings of day to day life.  As this is a traveling exhibit it's likely going to be near you if you live in Canada or United States and I would highly recommend going.  

Now make sure you hop over to see everyone else styling their booties in different ways across the country with the ladies of Ageless Style!

Shop This Post:
White Boots (sold out; similar at Vero Moda  & Aldo)
Gold Metallic Maxi Skirt (old from RW & Co; similar at Shien
White Sweater (old from Bebe; similar eyelash sweater Free People;  or RW & Co. on sale!)

Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits

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Bo ~ Bo's Bodacious Blog

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Carrie ~ A Simple Lovely Life

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Daenel ~ Living Outside the Stacks

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Joanna ~ My Slice of Life


Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style

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Leslie ~ Once Upon a Time and Happily Ever After

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Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle


Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

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Robin ~ Hello I am 50ish

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Sunday, 7 November 2021

Sunday Morning Vibes: Plaid, Doggie Walks and Blundstone Booties

We have a new Sunday morning rhythm  it seems.  The kids are sleeping in longer and longer and even when they get up, it takes them forever to get going and join the land of the living.  These days Logan and I find ourselves spending a lot more of our time solo.  Our Sunday mornings start off slow with a cup of coffee, a piece of toast and reading.  Around 10:30 we tend to get moving and we've been really enjoying the trails at the various off leash dog parks.  We take Oreo and head outdoors.  We've had an unseasonably warm fall here in Saskatchewan and honestly it seems criminal not to get outdoors every chance we get.  So we head to the dog park with Oreo and although she gets really excited to see the other pups, she actually prefers to just roam the trails alongside us much more than socializing with other pups.  By the time we return home it's usually lunch time for us and breakfast time for the girls, and our family rhythm begins.  

On a completely different note, I love how this outfit came together.  One really cheap item, the shacket was a steal of a deal at Costco for $20!  It's not as think as most shackets which is okay as I can wear it as a shirt a lot as we roll into winter and I know I'll get a ton of wear in the spring summer while hanging around a fire at the lake.  It's very lumberjack and although this is not my usual style, I do love the fall Canadian vibe that it gives, plus its so different than anything else I own and I need more just casual pieces in my closet.  But the real deal in this outfit our my new Blundstone boots.  I've been eyeing these for a couple of years but just couldn't justify the steep price tag, $250 + tax.  What changed this year?  Well, I am spending long chunks of time in the mornings, when it's chilly, outdoors in our early learning space, so I wanted boots that were warm but not exactly my Sorels which are full on winder boots.  Although I love my dressy boots,  my toes get cold  quickly.  These boots have amazing reviews both online and from friends for a)being warm b)staying dry and c)their longevity.   Also, I decided that with all my fall photos that I've been doing I could afford to splurge on something for myself, so I did!!!!  I LOVE the shiraz color of these.  I actually went to the store to by the brown ones but I love how these are a deep red that slowly blends into an almost black color at the toe.  They are super comfortable once on and I'd love to get some wool socks to pair them with.  They are leather and stretch and mold to your foot.  CON: other then the $$$, is that they are crazy hard to get on and off.  Like my husband had to pull them off of my feet the first 5 times, and my fingers actually hurt from pulling on the tabs trying to get them on.  Apparently this is 100% normal but I feel like it's insane.  Now that I've worn them several times they are getting easier to pull on and off, but still require some effort.  Anyway, I am so happy with my splurge and love that I can trade in my heels for cute, casual, warm and practical booties.  

What were you up to this weekend?

Shop This Post:

Cocker Spaniel (not for sale)

Plaid Shacket (Costco; similar Old Navy)

Shiraz Blundstone Boots 

Toque (Belong Lifestyle old; almost identical on 

Monday, 1 November 2021

Sentence a Day: October Edition

I am finally linking up with the lovely Leslie from Once Upon a Time & Happily Ever After for their reflections of their own months.  It's been busy over here with just day to day life. Here is what I've October looked like for me in a sentence a day.  

Oct. 1st Hello Friday!!!  I have to be honest, I felt that September was a 100 days long so I am so ready to turn the page. 

Oct.2nd I had three fall photoshoots this morning with three amazing families, followed by a 10km Step Up For Mental Health run with my husband and a visit with good friends.  A full day! 

Oct. 3rd We celebrated my nephews birthday and discovered  we are having a niece in 2022!

Oct.4th A busy Monday signaling a long week ahead.  

Oct.5th Pushed out photo galleries to clients after work.

Oct. 6th Today I was a guest teacher in our grade four classroom and it was a blast.  Also started the day off with a treadmill run which felt great.

Oct. 7th A day full of appointments, dentist, chiropractor and dry needling.

Oct .8th Hello Friday of the long weekend.  I've been looking forward to you.

Oct. 9th I started the day off doing photos for a great friend and then late afternoon I did another photoshoot for a much larger family.  My little business has been growing quite a bit in the last 6 months.  And by growing I mean just enough so I can manage it while working full time and doing all the other things. 

Oct.10th What a beautiful morning!  My BFF and I started the day off with an 11.5 km run.  Then we went adventuring with Oreo and took Halie to horseback riding.  We ended our Sunday with a Thanksgiving meal with my parents and grandma.  So much to be thankful for. 

Oct.11th. Last day of the long weekend and I just love the feeling of checking off all the things on my list, or pretty close to checking them all off.

Oct.12th I had my dry needling appointment and I think it's making a difference.  Have you tried dry needling?  I'll be honest it's not pleasant, especially where the muscles are crazy tight but I am finally getting mobility without pain in my back.  

                              Uncomfortable treatment = less painful daily life.

Oct.13th dropped off some consignment at Belong Lifestyle and getting excited for book club.

Oct.14th Book Club/Wine club.  I love getting together with these ladies.  Our book this time was Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad  and it was an inspirational read.  It's a story of getting a heartbreaking diagnosis in young adulthood, then being confined to a hospital for over several years and then finally trying to rejoin "normal" life. 

Oct.15th I love short work weeks and I am all here for it!!!!  Woot! Woot!

Oct. 17th I spent the morning taking photos of a beautiful family down by the river bank.  I love this time of year for photographs. 

Oct.18-22 I worked, cooked, drove kids around and tried to manage life.  Honestly it's just so busy right now that I can't even keep up to write a sentence a day.  LOL.

Oct.22nd Fridays have me feeling wiped after a work week.  Logan and I cuddled up and watched three Outer Banks episodes. What are you watching on Netflix.

Oct.23rd The girls decorated pumpkins!  I am so thankful they still want to do these things with us.  It's much easier these days, we can just sit nearby while they do the work.

Oct. 24th A cold, wet and blustery morning meant that I didn't get outdoors for my run but rather enjoyed a quite morning catching up on my blog which I've  neglected terribly these last few weeks.  It was soooooo nice. 

Oct. 27th I finally had a visit with a sweet friend.  We went for a walk and then chatted for like an hour and a half in the hot tub.  

Oct. 28th Today we celebrated Halloween in my PreK class!   I dressed up as Belle and they loved it.  I always enjoy seeing their various costumes and talking about Halloween leading up to it.  I was dead tired that night and crashed at like 9 p.m.

Oct. 29th Friday leading into a busy weekend full of Halloween fun.

Oct. 30th Halie had a get together with her friends at our house.  The girls decided to go as Mean Girls.  

Oct. 31st Halloween is finally here!  Today it was Anya's turn to host her friends for pizza before going out trick or treating.  Halloween 2021 is in the bag.  

And that's a wrap.  I feel like Christmas is really going to come up quick and I am a little nervous about it to be honest.  

What were some of your October highlights?