One of my goals this year, particularly via this blog, is to take time to reflect on our families adventures throughout each month. I did one in January, and then didn't get to in for February. This morning I sat down with the computer while the house was still and chilly, and sorted through all the pictures/videos that were stored on my cell phone. It's such a long, painful, time-consuming process but I am always shocked to see how much we did as a family in one short month. So here we go.
1. EASTER and Easter Holidays
Click here for a recap of our Easter shenanigans. Having my sister and her family here for a quick 2.5 days was so busy that it made my head spin at times, in a good way. Following the Easter hubbub, I had the week off from work with the girls and I am dreading going back to work. We baked, crafted, watched Harry Potter, lounged, enjoyed the outdoors and the arrival of spring, went to the fun factory and drop-in gymnastics, and caught up with some old friends. One of my favorite parts was watching the girls settle into just playing together at home, their favorite game at the moment is pretending they are characters from Harry Potter and they travel to Hogwarts.
Hermione is off to Hogwarts. |
Sisters taking on Hogwarts! |
Spring Wreath project with my big girl. |
Yummy, yummy. Morning glory muffins. |
2. Anya's Skating Show/Wrap-Up
The skating season is officially over and Anya has improved tremendously this year!!!!! She has come a long ways from three years ago when she couldn't stand on skates without falling down every 30 seconds and lying to her coaches that she has to go pee so that she can get off the ice (clever girl, but I caught on after the second time). Now this girl is ready for Advanced Can Skate next year. She is able to go forwards, backwards, do basic cross-overs, two foot jumps on the spot, basic spinning motions, etc. This years theme for her was the 80's, so she rocked the neon pinks.
3. Babysitting Baby Cooper
Our newest nephew was entrusted to us for a few hours. Oh, how sweet babies are. Don't get me wrong, that ship has sailed, but having a new baby in our life in a breath of fresh air. We spent time just cooing at him and watching him break a smile here and there. The girls were so nurturing and once again they just wanted to take turns cuddling him. I am happy that they are both old enough that they don't view him as competition for love and attention but instead feel that they are playing an integral part in teaching him and watching him grow.
Love this family of ours.