Wednesday 15 August 2018

DIY: Beach Party Theme for Kids

Many years ago, when Halie was in Kindergarten, we began this tradition of having an end of every school year celebration with a small group of school friends before they all dispersed for the summer. Halie, being 11, is too cool for themed parties now has opted out for a sleepover and a fire in the backyard for the past couple of years.  Anya however is still young enough and eager to plan a themed party with her mama.  This year we went with a beach theme!  At age 8, she was instrumental in the  planning, decorating and creating  to-do lists for the event, and  I was happy to let her take the lead for the most part.  Early on in June she presented me with her blueprints of our yard for the event and the ideas she had come up with.  FYI once she has her mind set, she isn’t not easily convinced to go another way, stubborn, must be like her dad 😊 (JK, all me)

We took to Pinterest of course for some basic ideas and then hit the local Dollar Tree and Dollarama to purchase everything we would need for the afternoon.  Note that I keep these gatherings rather short and sweet, 2 to 2.5 hours, and 4 to 5 friends. 


How we made the ocean wall?
First off we were inspired by this photo from the Crafty Patch such a great idea. 
  • 3 blue rectangular vynal tablecloths
  • Large fish decorations/beach balls/sea animals
  • Staple gun
  • Scissors
1.  We cut the rectangular table clothes in half, length wise.

2.  Decide how many waves you want to have and plan out where you would like to place the objects along the waves (fish, beach balls, sea animals.  

3.  The cloths easily bend and mold into the shape of the wave.  Use a staple gun to secure the cloths to the fence.  As you secure the cloth, place the animals/objects on the wave.

4.  Each wave should bend in the opposite direction of the wave above.


Each child painted their own little treasure box,which were cheaply purchased at Dollarama, and were invited to choose their own treasures using various loose parts such as shells, gems, buttons, colored rocks. 

 Our other activities included a slip n’ slide, kiddie pool with bubbles and a dance party in the backyard. 

“Beach Balls” - Chicago Mix Popcorn 

“Pool Noodles” – Twizzlers

“Tropical Fish” – Mixed Fishy Crackers

“Pina Colada Smoothie” – Mott’s Pina Colada Mix

“Rainbow Fruit” – fruit kabobs

Floral paper plates, napkins and cups

It did “rain on our parade” a little bit near the end but it didn’t ruin the outdoor fun for the kids.  We quickly took the art supplies and food inside and continued the celebrations.  The most important thing was that they had fun and though they didn’t get to enjoy the pretty outdoor eating space, they didn’t care because they are kids and they love life!!!!!

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