Thursday 13 May 2021

Year Goal Update: Where I Am At

I wanted to check in with everyone to see where they are at in terms of their goals that  they set for themselves at the onset of  2021.  I like to have check-ins with myself every four or so months.  Its nice to see if I am making progress and reevaluate where I am in terms of those goals and also if the goals are still relevant to me.   If we've learned anything in the last year and a half is that we can and must pivot our paths when life  throws us curve balls.  So let's get right to it!

My word  for the year was CONNECTION.  I really needed that word to get me through the depths of this past winter that also coincided with that third pandemic wave.  There were a few times in February and even March where life just felt so hard and I felt very much alone.   My word of the year helped me by reminding me to focus on Connecting with Friends and finding ways to stay grounded.  So goal my first goal was...l.

#1 Relationships.  I've been able to connect with friends by getting outdoors either for walks, cross country skiing, running and now patio visits.  One of my closest friends and I run 2x a week so that always fills my cup, plus helps me reach goal #2.   I've also been making a conscious effort once a month  to set up a walking date with a friend that  I don't get to connect with on a regular basis.  Another relationship that I feel has grown  is my time with my teenager.  We've been spending a lot more time together in the car as I am trying to drive her a couple of times a month to her riding lesson which is 30 min. out of the city.  The roundtrip there, back and actually watching her ride is approximately  3 hours and since it's her passion, the focus of our time is strictly on her.  I try to mostly let her talk so I can get all the gossip that she is immersed in and it's a great way to check how things are going in her world.                        

#2 Run 1000km in a year.  I am on target for the most part.  At the end of April I had ran 344 km which averages around 80km/month.  I have also continued to include 1 or 2 beach body workouts/week to keep working on strength and switch things up.

#3 Read 12 books.  I am doing really well and have read 6 and listened to 2 audio books.  I am going to write a book review and update next month, for June 4th.

#4 Blogging.  I have not made headway in terms of getting a concrete working schedule that's predictable and untouchable.  Sigh.  This is something I know I have to figure out.  I am working at taking photos for several posts at one time so that I have a bigger bank to work from and don't have to do the photos weekly.  I have connected with a few people but would love to collaborate more!!!!  

#5 Finances.  We are still doing pretty well and actually reached the  goal I had in mind,  but then we bought a hot tub.  Hahaha.  We got a crazy great deal on a second hand hot tub from people my parents knew, and we just couldn't pass it up!!!!!    I don't know about where you live, but the price of wood here has gone up 300% so building a deck for the hot tub was costly.  We also want to build a gazebo type structure but  that's on pause.  All in all I haven't been buying much but at the same time I feel like I am spending more.  I think I need a finical one month check-in to see what I am actually doing with money.  I think I will do that in June, to check -in on my habits.  

#6 Photography.  I did my first lifestyle newborn shoot for a couple of friends and that was fun!!!!  It was  laid back and in their home.  I also took dance photos of my daughter and her friend  in our home and I think they turned out nicely. I am hoping to get back to shooting families in the summer when we can do work outdoors.  Please check out my page at A & H Snapshots.




That's a wrap for me!  Although my word seems less needed at this very minute, as things are started to change and hopefully will begin to open up over the next month, I still feel like its there in the background , for when I need to remember what I am striving for.  So although it's not at the forefront as much as it was in the first few months, I think that's what I needed in that moment.

Did you set goals?  Where are you now?  Do you check-in and reevaluate?  


  1. You are doing great with your goals! It's so easy to get stuck in a bubble at home during this pandemic. I'm trying to make connecting with friends a priority, especially now that we can spend more time outdoors! Your photography is beautiful!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  2. It's great you are doing so well with your goals! I think a walking date is a nice idea too! :) We like our regular walks with the kids and my parents we try do them every couple of weeks :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend :)

    Away From The Blue

  3. I am going to work on connections the rest of this year: making the time for my family! I think while doing stuff for my well being is good, I have been lazy in connecting with my kids and husband and I want to work on that.

  4. Seems you have moved forward on every goal. You are going to be so glad you spent those precious moments with your teenage daughter. Absolutely time well spent. And an investment in your relationship with her for life.

    Yay for the running and reading you have been doing. I swore that today would be the day I would start running a little again. Have been hit or miss since last summer. And I did it. Nothing makes my legs look more toned than running and a tan!! Glad you are finding time to read, too. My virtual book club just finished The Good Sister. It was funny, thought-provoking, a bit of a mystery.
