Tuesday 25 July 2017

Me Time? Say, WHAT?!?

Ah, the elusive "me time"?  As a full time working mom, of two beautiful vibrant girls, a wife, daughter, granddaughter, friend, etc., I've often wondered what I was doing wrong with my time and how I wasn't getting all of this "me time" people seem to talk about.  It was during the time that  I began taking my masters classes, on top of working full time and being a mom of two really little people, that I realized that my definition of  "me time" needed to change.  I was getting "me time" it just didn't look like other peoples, which is totally fine.  My "me time" was taking my masters (because I choose to do that, therefore I gave up the extra time I might have had for other pursuits) and running was also "me time".  Once I came to understand these activities were what I CHOOSE to spend my time on, therefore they were FOR me, not others, I was able to let go of the notion of not having "me time".

Two weeks ago I did get some different, extra, kind of "me time" and I am not going to lie, I LOVED every minute of it.  I forced myself to do "other" kinds of things that I love and connect with, as opposed to only the things I already carve out time for.  On the agenda:

-Doing yoga
-Paddle boarding
-Having coffee without kids with a friend

The kids were in a three day, 5 hours/day, camp at the lake and I felt like I was the mom I always wanted to be.  It was enough time for me to feel like I had all the pampering in the world, so that when I picked them up I had no desire to be or do anything other than spend time with them.  I felt like I had adequate time to reconnect with the things I love to do and I felt full-filled. 

Here is the million dollar question, how do I do that during the school year?  It just doesn't seem like a realistic expectations?  How do you view "me time"?  How do you carve it out?  Is it a mindset for you, like it is for me? 


  1. Oh wow, getting to have me time at the lake- that's like the ultimate me time! I am seriously lacking in me time and am needing some soon.

    1. I sure hit the jackpot, didn't ?!? It was amazing and I have been super thankful for that time. I was discussing it with Logan and I realized that it was the perfect way to help me come down off of the school year, set me up to enjoy my time with the kids and the lake, by giving me an opportunity just to rest in literal peace and quite for a few days. I do hope you find the same. Hugs

  2. LOVE that you got to spend some quality time with none other than you:) Hope you're having a good week!

    Black Coffee Beautiful

    1. Thanks Laura. It was something I really treasured and soaked up as much as I could.

  3. It's so hard to find me time when your kids are younger. Now that mine are mostly grown it's a little easier, but I always feel guilty when I put myself first. Reading and blogging are my favorites though!

    1. Lana, I have heard that from other moms too. In a way, we take a backseat for so long that it's not easy to switch back to the person we used to be, and honestly I am not sure I would want to. :) I love reading you blog, so I am glad it's something that gives you joy.

  4. That is awesome that you got some "me time" to do something you enjoyed. I usually don't have something speicif I like to do for that "me time" but I do understand your point of view. If working on your masters is your free time then thats just fine. Me time should be doing what you enjoy doing, not necessary doing nothing!
    Thank you for linking up with Weekend Wear


  5. I like your definition ie what you choose to do is me time. For me that's blogging, seeing friends, yes reading, watching TV. Is that lazy?

  6. I think your choices are perfect. With our day-to-day life keeping us so busy I think whatever restores your soul is the right choice. Thanks for stopping by.
