Monday 1 October 2018

Continental Drift: A Day in My Life & a Link-Up

Welcome to another addition of the Continental Drift.  This month we are showing you what our day to day life looks like in each part of the world, and across age groups.  Below is a standard day in my life, it was sort of difficult to keep track of the hours, minutes and what's actually happening in my life to be honest.  Hahaha.  Hope you enjoy the glimpse.  

6:00  a.m.  Dragged myself out of bed finally, even though I had been awake for close to a half an hour.

6:30 am This is a weekly outing with my bestie Amber.  We clocked 7 km by the river and it was beautiful, crisp morning run and it was still light at that hour.  Now it's pretty much dark until 7:30 a.m. so we are running in the darkness of the morning.  

7:30- 8:00 a.m.  Busy morning ritual goes something like this coffee, shower, makeup, hair, and dress.

8:10 a.m. Breakfast & cuddles with Anya before heading out the door.  She even snapped an outfit photo of me before I head out to a PD session.

9:00-11:30 Attended a PD session on the developmentally progression of  phonological awareness. 

11:45 a.m. I picked Anya up for a lunch date at home.  This was in early September and she was just adjusting to the new school and still in the process of making friends.  I tried to hook up with her for lunch to give her a break but the good news is, she no longer wants me to do that because she has made friends and looks forward towards lunch hours and recesses.  

1:30 Epic three hour leadership meeting.  Absolutely exhausted.

5:15 Made it home to make coffee and restart my system for the evening.  I often need to refuel with coffee to make it through the evening.

5:45 p.m. I went to pick  Halie up from the mall.  I was super  annoyed with her for spending her money on Dollarama junk.  Anyone else?  This is something I am trying to work on.  I hate that she spends $ on stupid stuff but do I have a right since it's her money?  She seems to be a horder and also seems to struggle going anywhere without spending her money.  Advice, please!

6:00 Supper.   I am so thankful that I  make supper  the night before and often I make enough to last us tow nights.  This was night #1, so  we had supper already made for the next night too.  No cooking!!!!

6:45 p.m. My family cleaned up supper and I had a quick cat nap.  I do these to still my mind and I do them most days.  15 minutes does me a world of good but I never go more than 15 minutes, or allow myself to actually fall into a deep sleep. 

7-8:30 p.m. Tidy Tuesday. This means  everyone cleans.   The kids attack their rooms, Logan vacuums and I  switched Anya's closet over from summer to fall.  This requires go through her drawers and bring up the next box of her sisters hand-me downs.  We are ready to donate a large bin of clothes that she no longer fits.

8:30 p.m.  Finally it's bedtime for the kids, which means it takes until 9 p.m. before they were actually in their beds.  

9-9:30 p.m.  This is the time I sit down to do some work/catch up on the social media (blog, IG, FB).  I have gotten itno the habit of  setting a timer so I don't get distracted and don't overdo it.  I also enjoyed a glass of wine and got a blog post accomplished (not this one).  

9:30 Picked out my outfit for work and took out my workout clothes for another 6 a.m. workout.  Washed my face, etc.  

9:45 Joined my hubby for a show and to finish off my glass of wine.   Currently watching Suits, Champions & Nashville.  

And that's what my weekdays look like for the most part.    Next time on the Continental Link we are talking all about hosting and holiday planning.  Link-up your own advice or any family friendly topic of your choice with us every first of the month.  

Now please follow each of your hosts Bojana of BodaciousblogSydney Shop Girl and Mutton Style  on at least one platform (Instagram, Twitter or blog) and comment on their blogs.  It would be great if you could read and comment on the blog above yours in the link up.  You might make a new friend. Please also do add a link back to our blogs on your posts to help the linkup grow.  Thanks for stopping by, we look forward to learning more about everyone!

Join us for the Continental Drift link-up below.


  1. Being a working mum is something we rush to forget about in retirement. These DITLO posts have brought it all back and suddenly I'm thankful that I have wrinkles and grey hair, because that gives me the right to sit here and simply remember what a busy day is like - then go make a cup of coffee and put my feet up! Hugs, x.

    1. Oh man, drinking coffee at a lesuierly pace in the summer is my favorite. I do get tired but at the same time I don't want to wish these days away. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement, I really appreciate it.

  2. I love these day in the life of type posts. I haven't done one in a long time! I should do one again sometime soon. Your day sounds as busy as mine and I didn't know you liked running! I used to do long distance running, but now I run shorter distances and lift weights. That is sweet you used to take your daughter home for a lunch and that she now has adjusted (yay for her!).


    1. We just keep finding out more things we have in common. Most definitely busy but I know that one day I'll look back at this time of my life and be so thankful that I was able to experience it and I do feel like it's much easier now that the girls are older. I hope to train for another half marathon at some point but at the moment I just don't have a overwhelming desire to do so, so I am just running shorter distances and staying in shape with good friends.

  3. I love to read how other's spend their days!! We usually make dinner for almost the entire week so it's basically one and done. Luckily my husband doesn't mind this!!

    1. This is a great idea Jodie. I think I'll be thinking about how to best do that on Sunday to free up our evenings as much as possible. Any tricks?

  4. This was fun! You are a busy lady and I'm exhausted just reading about your day :). I need to start choosing my outfits the night before - that's a great idea!

    1. Hahaha. We've all been there at times but different phases bring different adventures. I actually try to choose my outfits for the week on Sunday and hang them up according to my work schedule and the weather forecast. It makes dressing in the morning much easier.

  5. Busy, busy, busy! It's crazy to think that all

    1. Sorry my fingers were typing faster than my computer and ended up pressing publish button prematurely! I was saying, it's crazy to think that all we do is blogging because when someone lays out their day like this, you start to think, how do they really find time?! On another note, that's really sweet of you to spend time with your daughter Lana on her lunch break. My son is only 4 and he thinks he should always buy batteries with his piggy bank!! He is obsessed with trains so they run all the time when he is home. Even if they were running okay, he tells me I want new batteries. Hmmm. Same boat here so sorry I wasn't helpful. Well, I hope your week is going great and happy Thursday!

      Maureen |

    2. Kids are so so funny aren't they? I do find the money spending is less frequent when I make them use their "own" money, suddenly they need everything a little less, though your little one is still pretty little. I agree, our lives are kind of crazy but yet we are all so lucky to have so much in our life that we love to give to.

  6. Such a busy day for you! :) I think it's sweet you offered to spend lunch with your daughter, and she's no longer wanting you too is even better - how nice she is adjusting well! :)

    Hope that you are having a good week :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. As a mom yourself you know how difficult it is to watch our little ones struggle with change. That being said in a short amount of time she has made lots of friends and is coming home with stories all the time. Happy mama here. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. OMG that is one long busy day! My grandson is called Logan...I love the name. I am retired but used to get up at 6 when I was a teacher. I fell into bed at night. Lovely getting to know you.

    1. That's exactly how I feel at the end of the day. I just crash so hard until the morning, unless I am anxious about something. Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to read my post.

  8. Wow! What a day! How do you do it? I'm exhausted just reading it. You're amazing.

    1. Hahaha Amy. We are all busy in our own ways. I am just in this stage of life. Thanks for stopping by.
