Nine years ago I gave birth to an amazing little girl. I still remember the doctor saying, "Mom was right, it's a little girl." She handed you over to me and several hours of labor somehow drifted away into the distance.
Since, that day Halie has grown into a very mature young lady. She loves horses, pizza, chili, dancing, singing, gymnastics, sewing with her grandma, drawing, painting, creating art projects, playing outside, socializing with friends and hanging out with us, her family. Halie is one of those kids that is quite but craves a lot of attention, specifically verbal encouragement and recognition. I am currently reading/listening to, The Five Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman, link, and I've come to discover that her primary love language is words of affirmation. Words of affirmation basically means that she really depends on positive feedback from us in order to feel loved and secure in the decisions she is making. That being said, when we, or I, criticize her, that's the thing that also hurts her the most. She responds to the other love languages as well, but words of affirmation I believe is her primary love language. Through reading/listening to the book I also feel that my youngest daughter's primary lover language is physical touch, like cuddling, hugs, etc. and after reading the first book, The Five Love Languages, I discovered physical touch was also my primary love language, so it's no wonder that it's sometimes easier for me to connect with Anya. That all being said, Halie and I share our love of animals, and we enjoy crafting together, doing our nails, playing Barbie's/dolls as of lately, going for walks, and have even ventured out shopping a few times without much complaining. If you have children, I highly recommend reading the book, just to make you reflect on your child's personality and to make their needs, emotional ones, come to the front of how you interact with them.
The BEST thing about Halie is her COMPASSION. She cares so deeply about people and their feelings. It doesn't even have to be someone she knows, but she is always asking questions about social issues which makes me IMMENSELY PROUD of her. Halie is open to all cultural groups and their traditions. She recognizes the hardships that people face in our own community and often offers to help others out by donating her toys, clothing, giving money to the homeless on the streets, holding lemonade stands to raise money for various groups, etc.
I am proud to be her mom and to have an opportunity to watch her to grow.
P.S. Halie's favorite color is RED.
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