Thursday 28 January 2016

Wine at the Office

Wine at the Office

No, no, no!  I would never drink wine at work, but I am having some right now :) . 

So what brought this post on?  Well here is Saskatchewan winters can be long and I always find mid-January and February I go into a somewhat of a hibernation mode.  Work is usually busy at this time of year, the weather is off and on, and when I leave the house in the morning it's dark and when I get home it's dark. 

Anyway, during this time of year I also start to wear a lot of black, gray, brown, navy, etc.  The other day I saw this post on What I Wore and I was immediately inspired. I love fun tights and I used to wear them  but hadn't this fall/winter season at all.  I work in a fairly conservative environment and I feel that dressing professionally is important.   I decided to take out my wine colored tights, I have pumps and a dress in the same color because I love it so much, and pair it up with my gray pencil skirt and my go-to navy, polka dot sweater.  It turned out okay.  If  I could substitute the gray pencil skirt for a fun, flair, black mini, I totally would but I couldn't for work.    This is what I looked like, sorry for the poor lighting. 


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