Monday 7 November 2016

What WE Wore: Boho Lace Top & Pretty Little Dresses


This past weekend the weather was record breaking, warm here in Saskatchewan and we all took advantage of dressing like spring had arrived (here in Sk. we've already had a dump of snow and a cold snap, so this is crazy unusual and we must take advantage).  We strolled around downtown, caught up on some much needed vitamin D and hit the mall for a little bit to do some Xmas window shopping. 


I snagged this top last spring at H & M, which is not online so I've linked some other options below, and every time I wear it I get complements on it.  It's got all the essentials rolled into one top, lace, embroidery, feminine/vintage feel, and a little skin can be shown (not for work). 







Now check out my little ones that decided to dress in their matching dresses, GUSH .   I am not sure about other 'tween' moms but I find shopping for Halie's age group (soon to be 10) extremely difficult.  She is particular about how the clothes feel, she has sensory issues, and she wants them to be "trendy".  We both love the Jessica Simpson and Material Girl line for kids at the Bay and both lines are  reasonably priced;  I watch for 30- 40% off sales which happen regularly.  If you have other places that are a must please share!!!

The little fashionistas hit Triple Flip and the Bay to add a few items to their Christmas/birthday wish lists. 



Shop this post:

H & M top not available (Option 1; Option 2; Option 3; Option 4 )

Material Girl Dress


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Tuesday 1 November 2016

Book Review: The Whole Brain Child

​Last spring I read the book, The Whole-Braine Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina P. Bryson, and recently I gave a talk, based on the book, on how to deal with young children (ages 2-6) when they are exhibiting challenging behaviours.   I flew through the 149 pages of text within three days and was able to connect to the content as a teacher and as a parent.   Frequently, I found myself nodding my head, agreeing with the author, and experiencing waves  of relief and understanding. 


The authors connect their work to  research on brain development from birth to mid-twenties, while maintaining the reader's interest by providing real-life examples, funny analogies, cartoon like diagrams and charts.  I appreciated that the authors acknowledged that there are various ways to deal with any one situation and that sometimes parents/teachers don't have to, and shouldn't, negotiate with their child. 

A  new piece of learning for me was observing, understanding and identifying the types of tantrum a child is having.  The author explains two different types of tantrums,  downstairs and upstairs tantrums (Siegel & Bryson, 2012, p. 44-46).  In a nutshell the downstairs tantrum, which we often witness from young children, is a tantrum that is consumed by emotion.  During this type of tantrum a child needs an adult to sooth them, calm them with gentleness, and generally let it run its course.  An upstairs tantrum is calculated and used specifically to gain something.  The person throwing the tantrum is in control of this type of tantrum.  The quote below is one of my favorites from the book:

An upstairs tantrum occurs when a child essentially decides to throw a fit….She is able to control her emotions and body, to be logical and make good decisions.  A parent who recognizes an upstairs tantrum is left with one clear response:  never negotiate with a terrorist.  (Siegel & Bryson, 2012, p.45)


The authors provide twelve different strategies for helping children develop their brains to their full potential, especially when dealing with strong emotions.  The strategies vary from connecting the left-right brain, upstairs-downstairs brain, memory recollection to gain understanding, and building positive relationships.   The book provides  ideas that parents/teachers can use to discuss brain development  with the children at various levels and stages of life.  They also have a quick guide at the back of the book on how to incorporate each strategy at various ages, 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12.   I created the Printable Infographic below that compiles  six strategies that may help specifically really young children, which I presented to our early learning educators, but I have used the some of the other strategies with my 9 year old. 



This  book is an excellent resource and a quick read - a resource worth having!!!



A follow-up to this book that I am currently diving into, and loving for my preteen daughter, is How to Talk So Kids Will Listen, and Listen So Kids Will Talk.  Lots of good ideas in the first three chapters. 

What's on your book shelf?