Last Friday I provided you a gift guide for 6-8 year old girls here, and today I am sharing with you a 'tween' guide. Halie is turning 11 shortly and really struggled to
find something 'realistic' to wish for this year. Her top two wishes were
a set of guinea pigs, we have a dog that we can barely spend time with, and a
real gymnastics bar for our home, which is like $600 not to mention we don't
have space for it. Sigh. We've always been able to deliver on the
girls 'wants' but this year I was really struggling with what to get
Halie. Halie is taking horse riding
lessons si we were tossing around the idea of getting her horse riding equipment for Christmas. In the end I just felt like
it wouldn't really be a surprise, especially since we have to take her to get
fitted for everything. I decided to go all TWEEN girl on her. She
is getting a chair, caboodle, make-up (blush, eye shadow, brush set) and a nail kit from Santa, all listed
below. I am pretty sure she is going to be thrilled and the more
practical stuff will come from other family members for Christmas and/or her

1. Funky Chair $40. Santa Gift! Super comfortable and sturdy. I am thinking she is going to love it!
2. Manic Panic $13. No bleaching. Washes out within 3-6 weeks. Perfect stocking stuffer.
3. Glamour Girl Makeup $25. I am a big believer of facing change head on, so when Halie began expressing interest in makeup, and I wasn't ready, after a few days of watching from the sidelines, I decided to show/teach her how to make a more natural look rather then telling her not to wear it. She only has a few items, mostly Claire's kids make-up,so she is some more appropriate separate pieces to fill her caboodle with.
4 Caboodle $40. Santa Gift!!! I think this is awesome for any girl, really any age, that loves to play with make-up.
5. Onesie $35. These onesie and the bunnyhugs from Urban Planet are extremely popular here and Halie loves how cozy they are.
6. Clue $18. Halie got this last year for her birthday and we play it all the time. It's a great game to teach strategy and the importance of following along in the game to help you eliminate various possibilities.
7. Canterwood Crest books. If you have a horse lover get them these books. Perfect for stronger readers, 9+, with extensive vocabulary, an interesting story line and approximately 200 pages in length. Halie has read the first ten and continues to want more.
Nail Spa Kit $20 (similar). I am hopefully the nail dryer will eliminate some of the wait time.
8. Duffel Bag $27. Every girl needs one for the sleepover parties as well activities.
There you have it! Hope you've enjoyed the kids gift guide ideas for this season. Thanks for stopping by.