Welcome. First and foremost, thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my blog. I want to wish you and your families a happy New Year and all the warmest wishes for a bright, joyous and healthy 2019.
I am a type A, I am also what Gretchen Ruben refers to as an 'upholder' in her book the Four Tendencies (see below), which means I like goals, plans, clear paths. It helps me focus and refocus when I am overwhelmed or lost. I also like putting them out there because it helps me stay accountable. So here is what I am intending to focus my energy on for 2019!
My Word of the Year & Family Time. The whole concept of a word for the year has never really felt like my thing, until the other day. I was driving alone with my thoughts and the radio in the background and suddenly, PAUSE came to mind. Pause and enjoy the moment. Pause and use my mind (not just my camera) to capture the memories. Pause and think before I react. Pause and put away all technology during supper or family time. PAUSE to take in the awesome life I am living. So I am choosing to remember to PAUSE and really be with my family this year. Not worry about work, chores, 'to do' lists, technology, etc.
I will say that Mr. and I are also committing to getting out for walks in the evenings 2-3 times a week either with the kids, or just the two of us.
Fitness. I am one of those people who doesn't make fitness goals at the beginning of the year anymore. Exercise is just a part of my life,, and has been for a long time. I do make new goals when it strikes me but at this time my only goal is to maintain what I am already doing (swimming, spinning, running).
Learn Something New. One might say I am a "life long learner". I love learning from people I meet. I like learning from peoples stories, in school, taking online courses, learning at work, etc. There are so many things I want to know about and explore, but just haven't had an opportunity to yet. Last year I decided that I needed to create these opportunities for myself, so last year I decided to start the year off by signing up for swimming lessons and it was a huge success!!!! This year I've decided to sign up for a 52 week photography course through
Shoot Along. I received a new lens for Christmas and am excited to finally learn how to use my Sony Mirrorless camera and get off just using the 'auto' setting.
Picture courtesy of unsplash.com |
Reading. I loved my goal of one book a month last year and I am happy to announce I reached 16 books in total (4 which were audiobooks, but I am still counting them). I know for most people that's not a huge goal but I read a lot for work and working on the blog in the evenings, just doesn't leave a whole lot of time for reading. My book club definitely keeps me accountable and I love to throw in some great easy reads along the way. Read my book reviews for some of these books form 2018
here and
Hosting. This year rather than focusing on cooking new meals, I am focusing on hosting my friends more. We used to host all the time but this past year we didn't do as many friend get together as I'd like. Since I fuss, cook, clean, make extra grocery shop visits, think of things to do with the kids, I am challenging myself to this idea of
How to Host a Crappy Dinner (And See Friends More) that my friend Amber introduced me to. I just want to reconnect with friends and let go of the little things. So I am hoping to host family/friends at least once a month in some form or another, drinks, appetizers, dinner, brunch, games night, etc.
Hosting December Celebrations
Blog & Work. At the end of the year I burned out and realized that I needed a step back from all the blogging/work I was doing. My family. My work. My friends. My blog. In that order. So my intentions for 2019 is to write when I am inspired. To post once a week, Fridays, because that's manageable and enjoyable for me. I'll also write and post any other time that strikes me because it's my creative outlet, my journal, my reflection. I also hope to continue to meet people in this online world that inspire me.
As for work, I am anxiously awaiting my term as consultant to conclude at the end of the school year and then...... I don't know but I am happy to return to a school and see what new adventures and learning await me. Stay tuned.
Do you do resolutions? Set goals? Intentions? Word to live by? Is it for you?
What does a New Year mean to you?