Sunday 13 October 2024

Black Denim with a Twist


Hello and Happy Thanksgiving my Canadian followers and friends.  I am spending the weekend with family, while also taking advantage of the long weekend to get caught up on photography, house chores and connecting with friends.  I am going to keep this nice and short so I can get back to enjoying today with our family and my best friend.  

This is the ONLY piece that I've invested in this fall and I am so happy that I did.  This Smash and Tess denim Dolly Romper is a pricey item so it took me a while to pull the trigger and I am soooooo happy with it.  I own several Smash & Tess pieces, 5 to be exact, and the sizing is consistent every single time.  I am a consistent XS and you can see all the pieces here, here and here, and also another one is being featured on Thursday for my Ageless Style link-up.

Anyway, I love that it's a cross over between overalls and a romper.  I also love the button detail, the belt is actually super cute but it can be interchanged with a regular belt and the front pockets are amazing!    I am super happy that it's more fitted than I thought based on the pictures off of the website.  I am 5'4 and the length is sport on!  I layered a black shirt underneath for extra warmth but it's super cute without a top.  My only complaint is that the straps aren't adjustable and they are too big for me and my mom with have to adjust them a bit; I could leave them but I think they would be annoying.

That's it, that's all!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and my Canadian friends, enjoy the family time together.  

Monday 7 October 2024

What I Wore: Summer to Fall Transition Outfits

On Saturday I was floating in a pool and by Tuesday I was wearing mittens.  Crazy weather changes but the sunshine is back after a few cool days.

Yikes.  September disappeared in a flash friends.  Busy back to school, work, routine and fall photography have all been keeping me busy.  Now that we are firmly in the first week of October I can't believe the wonderful weather we have been experiencing here in Sk.  A couple of days have required mittens and wool coats, but for the most part it's been unseasonably warm and it's continuing into this week as well.  I ended up switching out my "summer" for "fall" bucket just last weekend.  I love adding a trench coat, bomber jacket or my leather coat to my favorite summer outfits for added warmth.  Let's take a peek into some outfits I wore to work in September as we said goodbye to summer and hello to a warm fall. 

What are some fall 2024 fashion trends that you are excited to try?  What do I need to have in my closet this fall and in preparation for winter?

It's Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend, so wishing all my Canadian friends much love as they gather with friends and family to celebrate how lucky we are to have one another.  My own family is going to split their time between time with my family, my in-laws and the cousins on one side, as well time with the just the four of us.  I feel extremely lucky to have my family close by in the same city as we are, and many good friends that keep us young at heart and always lend a shoulder to lean on.  Health, happiness, a roof over our heads, food on the table and love is all things to be grateful for.  Love you all and thanks for stopping by.  

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Ageless Style: Summer to Fall Outfits

Welcome to another installment of Ageless Style.  We are here to celebrate women across age, season of life, and styles, settle into a comfy spot and enjoy several posts through our linkup below.  We are here every 3rd Thursday of the month.  This months prompt is transition looks.  If you live in warmer places you might not be ready to put away all of your summer favorites but also might be itching to add sprinkles of fall.  Today I am showcasing how I am taking a cute slip skirt that I splurged on this summer all through the fall and even into winter.  Let's jump right in.

Summer Nights

At first I was only going to get the skirt but my teens talked me into grabbing the whole set and who can say no to them and they've each already borrowed it once.  I've also worn it a few times, including for date night with my husband to celebrate our anniversary.  I see the top also looking so cute with jeans and especially black denim jeans.

Edgy Style 

While days continue to be warm but evenings dip, add a simple white bodysuit and throw on your leather jacket, and cute sneaks to give this cute outfit a little feminine edge.  

Forest Green

Shades of green are all over the place for fall 2024.  From lime green (which is likely not making it into my closet) to subtle shades of forest green and olive. I love this combination because although it's a bit of monochromatic styling, the florals and textures are fun way to differentiate the top and bottom.  It's the perfect for fall 2024.  

Office Style

Super easy to make outfit #1 work for work by throwing on a classic black blazer and don't forget your most trusted and comfortable pair of heels. 

Cozy Knits
Another hot trend this fall/winter is fringe style.  I found this cozy knit at the local boutique at our lake, Nica's Clothing & Accessories (see items linked below), at their tent sale.  In fact many of the items featured here today came from that boutique, including the 2 piece set, the forest green turtle neck and this sweater, along with a couple of new pairs of shoes.   Anyway, I love the cozy, oversized sweater look paired with the slenderness of the skirt and white boots.  It screams winter weather to me.  

That's a wrap.  I hope some of these transition outfits have you inspired to shop your closet or to add a few pieces to your wardrobe this fall.  Now off you go to check out how the other ladies are styling their pieces this fall.  Also, join us on October 17th with your own version of our prompt Cozy October!

Shop These Pieces:
Gental Fawn skirt (on sale) & top (on sale)
Forest Green Turtleneck (Nica's on sale)

Marsha~ Marsha in the Middle
Blog /Instagram
Mireille ~ Chez Mireille Fashion Travel Mom

Jennifer - Overflowing with Thankfulness

Jodie ~ Jodie’s Touch of Style
Blog | Instagram | Facebook | 

Joanna ~ My Slice of Life


Amy ~ Amy’s Creative Pursuits
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Bo ~ Bo's Bodacious Blog

Monday 16 September 2024

Summer 2024 Top Five

I am always sad to see summer come to a close.  I know many are usually ready for it, and in many ways I am too, but summer is my best season.  It's when I am 100% present in the right now, with my family and feel completely invested in myself.  I am happy, energized, and at peace.  Lets take a look at the top 5 of summer 2024.  

#1 Lake Time with Family & Friends
This is always a given, but our time with family and friends at the lake is my favorite thing.  Our oldest daughter stays in the city for the summer to work and horseback ride, but she made it out a few times and we loved having her.  Our youngest got her first job and worked 2-3/week at a clothing store at the lake.  We had my parents, aunt and uncle, cousin and his family all come to the lake for our 4th annual lake weekend.  Having little kids around who love to beach, play sand castles and craft is always fun.  And then my BBF and her family have come for our 8th annual family weekend where we do all the things; golfing, boating, beaching, catching up, playing games and enjoying evenings by the fire.  We also had a few other friends come as well and had plenty of time to catch up with our lake friends.  Surrounding yourself with people who lift, support and celebrate you is the greatest gift.

#2 Meet Buzz
At the very end of July we added Buzz to our family!  He was 8 weeks old when we surprised our girls with his arrival.  Buzz has brought us all so much joy, laughter, new energy and love.  He lives up to his name and is constantly buzzing around the house, playing, exploring, being curious and trying so hard to win his big sister Oreo over.  Life is better with two pups to love.

#3 Getting Those Goals
Although this summer I didn't train for anything in particular, and struggled with  glute/hamstring pain, I did the 62km biking portion of the Frank Dunn Triathlon with The Ladies of the 80s, and it was so fun!  Did I do as well?  Nope.   I made it just under my goal and came across the finish line smiling.  Next weekend I will do a 10 km  in support of Mental Health and I am going to do my first duathlon.  I also tried swimming in the lake this year and I really enjoyed it.  I built up some stamina and will continue to do that next summer.  

Anya, my youngest had a few opportunities this year to try out wake surfing while at camp and with some of our friends.  She desperately wanted to "drop the rope"  and she did during her last boat ride!!!!   I was so proud of her, but even better is that she was so proud of herself.

Halie, continued to compete this year in jumpers at the local horseback riding shows.  She cleaned up early in the season and then decided to move up and challenge herself and her horse.  Their season came  to the end this past weekend  and they finished strong with a 2nd and 5th placing during in .85m jumpers. It's been a season of challenges, learning and growth opportunities.  We are proud of both of them and their dedication.

#4 Enjoying Nature
Being on the water and amongst the trees are my favorite summer activities.  This summer was HOT and we spent a lot of time on the water, kayaking, swimming, beaching, wakeboarding, I even tried wake surfing, and just floating.  In July the bugs were horrendous but by August they had settled and we enjoyed several hikes, some short and some longer like the Gem Lakes.  The Gem Lakes have become a summer MUST DO for us and this year it was just Logan and I  and the pups.  Buzz did  his best to keep up with his little 10 week old legs but he did spend a bit of time being carried around.  

#5 Celebrating 21 Years of Marriage
We enjoyed a two part celebration/date for our anniversary.  First, we went to the Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan play with good friends.  This year they did a  Hamlet production and it was incredible.  I can't  believe we've never gone!!!!  If you live in Saskatchewan, this is a MUST!  We will definitely make it a priority in years to come.  We also enjoyed dressing up, and going to a local restaurant for a dinner on their patio.  Fun tidbit, I met a wonderful lady while dinning and we totally hit it off.  Afterwards I wished I had her socials, and then 4 days later I ran into her at a teacher session and we instantly picked up where we left off.  This is someone I am definitely going to be reaching out to! 

Bye, bye summer 2024.  Since being back at work the past month, I am struggling to keep afloat with work, mom life, photography, getting daily exercise, social media and blogging.  The struggle is REAL.  Give me a couple of more weeks and it'll settle, I keep telling myself, this is just by "busy" season and I need to be okay with not being about to do it all.

I will leave you with a few outfits that I've been wearing the past couple of weeks for work.  See you on Thursday for my Ageless Style monthly post where we will showcase how we are transitioning summer to fall outfits.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Running Reflections of a 43 Year Old


Join the fun runs for FUN because that's what will keep you coming back.  Fun fact, I've done this run for the two years it's been happening at our lake and this year they've asked me to be the PHOTOGRAPHER.  

This is a runners reflective post.  My blogger friend Mireille from asked me to be on her blog for a runner's spotlight series that she is doing.  I really enjoy following Mireille blog and daily adventures on IG as well, so I was thrilled to be asked.  Here are my random, yet reflecting thoughts, on running.

1. How and when did you start running?

That's a great question that made me think way back.  I initially became interested in running while in University and nannying for a woman that I became friends with and very much admired and looked up to.  She was a runner and inspired me to try it.  I did my first 10 km run in honor of Terry Fox and was hooked on the feeling of accomplishment.  I did my first half-marathon in 2008 when my daughter was 18months and those two distances continue to be my go-to.

2. What keeps you running?
Honestly, I came into it because I was obsessed with exercise and controlling my weight as a young adult.  Long ago I worked on that and running became my outlet for stress management, feelings I didn't know how to process, and just overall happiness and sense of accomplishment I get when I am running.  In the last decade my best friend moved back to our city and now we run together.  The time together is my social outlet, therapy and overall makes me feel healthy and strong.  I get very agitated when I can't move daily.

Crossing the half-marathon line last fall with my BFF as she completed her first half-marathon. 
Be that person for someone!!!!

3. Do you have goals associated with your running?
I would have loved to get a half-marathon under 2 hours, almost got there last year with 2:00:14.  That being said mostly I just want to continue to do it for the right reasons; making me feel good and helping me manage stress.  I am not a natural athlete and work hard to maintain that 6min/km pace, and sometimes with lots of training and dedication I do get faster but it takes a lot to get there.   I deal with chronic back/hip pain that gets agitated with running but have a good health management plan in place and I'd like to keep running as long as possible.  I would love to try a duathlon or triathlon a try, although I am not a strong swimmer.

A mini/sprint triathlon that I did this spring.  I don't feel ready for open water swims but the pool swim although a challenge was managable.

4. What do you like best/least about running?
The way it makes me feel strong, in charge and free.
Least, the pain that I struggle with on/off and the fear of not being sure how long my body will allow me to do this before I have to take steps back.

At the 2023 Victoria Marathon where I achieved PB at 2:00:11!!!!

5. Share a running story/adventure (can be funny, struggle..)
My most difficult struggle came following a half-marathon that I trained HARD for.  I joined a group, did the program diligently.  Really made the running my priority in life other than work and being a mom.  I chased that under 2 hours pace and the whole time I was crushing it, I really was.  I was feeling strong, injury free, and uber prepared.  The week of the run I came down with a cold/virus.  It wasn't horrible but the day of the race I just didn't feel good.  I went anyway.  I ran and quickly realized that I was struggling.  The further into the race I got the more I realized I wasn't going to meet my goal and I completely unraveled emotionally.  I was soooooo upset.  I crossed the finish line 2:09:07 and I was not only not well, but emotionally I was devastated.  I didn't sign up for a half marathon again for 18 months after, when a running friend at the time had a heart to heart with me and told me it was time to let go of that dissap9oinment and to not let the fear of not achieving my goal, hold me back from something I enjoyed doing.  I went out to do another half marathon with her by my side and got a personal best at that time (which I beat last fall).  I've learned that sometimes things really don't work out like you planned, your pride may be bruised and you can't always have a PB and that goals have to ebb and flow over time.  

Tell me something you do to keep yourself physically healthy?  How did you get into it?  What keeps you motivated to stay with it?  OR what aspirations do you have for your physical health?