Tuesday, 5 February 2019

January Edition: Sentence - A -Day

1st -  Happy New Year!  Read all about my goals for 2019 here

Best crew to ring in the New Year with!!!!


2nd Lazy morning. Just chilling with a cup of coffee and a book. 

3rd  The girls and I ventured to an outdoor skating rink where I had a fall and can't really walk on my legs.  Hmmm.

4th  My family went snowboarding/skiing without me due to my knee being sore from yesterdays fall.  I took the opportunity to have a quite day just for me.  I worked on updating my resume, spent time with a friend, and took down Christmas decorations.

5th  Halie wasn't feeling well and we thought for sure that she finally got the  stomach flu that plagued our whole family, immediate and extended, but nothing.

6th Shopping with Halie.  This is a rarity and I felt so happy that she just wanted it to be just her and I.  What a wonderful way to end the winter break.

7th  Started and ended the day off with my BFF.  Spin in the early morning and a visit & aglass of wine to end the day.

8th Work session with some passionate and intelligent colleagues.  We are working on writing another syllabus outline for an assessment class at the university.

9th PAUSE.  Today my word came to me and I decided to put work on pause and even though it was cold, I went for a river walk at lunch.  

10th  Started the day off by listening to  my little girl read to me before work.
With activities in the evening I knew this just wasn't going to happen and I've been making a conscious effort to sit with her everyday to work on fluency, defining new words. and decoding difficult words.

12th  At work we engaged in a brain building activity.   The purpose was for us gain a better understanding of  how the brain develops over the first few years of life and the impact those years have on the ability to cognitively develop  and cope with stressors in life.

 13th  Cross country skiing and a walk through the zoo to celebrate the weekend. 

 14th  Nieces and nephews.  We spent the day with our littlest family members.

15th Book club day.  I finished my first book of 2019, The Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick.  Quick, suspenseful and slightly dark.  I liked it.

16th The days are becoming a blur of early mornings long days and passing out from exhaustion.  Lol.

17th I've had a busy few weeks and it all became a bit overwhelming tonight.    I PAUSED to make time for a run and the 30 minutes on the treadmill was all I needed to become refocused.

18th Party #1 for Halie.  9 tween girls.  Make your own pizza.  Lazer tag.  Sleepover.  Success.

19th It's my  dads birthday!  My dad and Halie have been sharing their family birthday parties for the past 12 years. 

20th Halie and I did yoga together and Oreo wanted to join in.  

Dog yoga.

21st  Today was the first day in 2 weeks that was just a normal workday.  I worked a normal 8 hour day and left my computer at work.  Yipee!!!

22nd. Played in a Kindergarten classroom!

23rd. Can't remember 😊

24th Visited with my grandma.

25th Celebrated Halie's real birthday with a family dinner.  She turned 12 today and this year I used the words Growth & Pride to describe her year.  Read here.

26th Freezing cold here again.  Off we go to the trampoline park.  I practiced my lesson of the week for my camera course by trying to take some action shots.  Very difficult in such low lighting.  Here are two of Halie doing handsprings in action. 


27th BFFs Taylor Swift birthday party!!! (fog machine, karaoke, shirt making)


28th I finally had an opportunity to get together with my running friends and catch up.  One of my goals was to see friends more and this month I've done that four different times by hosting family or friends at my house for casual get togethers.So good for the soul.

29th  One Eyed Jacks  and Box Cars Literacy PD.  This was so much fun and I learned tons of low prep, high impact word games to play with my students!

30th  Tonight I learned some great math games from One Eyed Jacks and Box Cars!  I am so excited to try them all with my own kids.

31st Need I say more.

What were some of your January highlights? 



Please join us for your own addition of Sentence-a-Day, the first Tuesday of every month.  :)



  1. Sounds like you have some amazing goals and have been enjoying January!


    1. January felt long but it was overall a really good month for our whole family. February, is going to be even better as we get to escape the cold for a week.

  2. Gorgeous family making happy memories. Am smiling as I read xxxx

    1. Thank you so much. Your kind words mean a lot to me.

  3. Lots of celebrations for you in January! I haven't cross country skied in years - what a great workout! Your daughter's Taylor Swift party sounds so fun!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  4. Hey doll! I am so behind reading the SaD posts but I am finally here. Your word of the year is a great choice. We all could benefit from taking a pause in the hustle and bustle to really enjoy a few moments of life every day.

    What a great party-thrower you are. Love the Taylor Swift birthday and the photos! And the lazer tag, pizza making party. You are one cool mama!

    What grade do you teach? Would like to learn more about the professional development activities you mention. The math games and the brain building activity.

    Your NYE outfit is so pretty. Would work for a Valentine's Day ensemble, too. Think I am finally going to wear my tulle skirt. Yay!!
