Thursday 12 November 2020

My Home Gym Reno

If you have been here for a while now, you know that I am dedicated to working out and running.  So it's surprising that it took us so long to create a warm and functional workout space right in our home.  When COVID-19 hit and we went into lockdown, we finally had the time, and frankly the cash to re-do our 70's vibe basement, including the space where I kept my workout equipment.  Picture,  yellow-ish walls,  shaggy brown carpet, brown closet doors and just an overall low-light space.  Although it wasn't beautiful, it did do the trick for the past 12 years that we have called this house our home and sometimes it just takes time to get to all the places that need to be tackled.  So in March, I finally got a beautiful space that I now love walking into. 

Since my main form of exercise is still outdoor running, all year long, see my post here about winter running gear, I do liek to do some workouts at home as well.  I also don't run outdoors in the wee hours of the morning by myself, so if my buddy can't go, I get on the treadmill.  In my gym the equipment is very basic.  Treadmill (my favorite), an eliptical, weights, jump rope, yoga mats and bands.  That's its!  Recently, I signed up to have access to the BeachBody on demand workouts and love have tthat option at my fingertips.  I like to do a couple of runs during the week, a total body workout (cardio and weights), an upper body workout, and a yoga.  Other days I get outdoors for our regular walks with the pups.  I keep it simple and managable to be honest.  Most things are around the 30 minutes and one longer run during the week.  That's what I can handle and what makes sense for me.  

Now let's take a look at the bright, motivational and getting it done space we created.  The first and biggest two transformations were putting in new flooring a fresh coat of white paint on the walls and on the closet doors!  Siriously those two things opened up this tiny bedroom and made air circulate through it!!!  All of a sudden even though it's in the basement, it felt much larger and more inviting.  My favortie part of the room is that I found a space to utilize an old pin board, by printing off all the picture from the various 10 km and half- marathons that I have done over the years.  Seeing my friends and family with me, cheering me on, reminds me to keep going and how much I love running.  It's great to look at on days that I just don't feel like woring out.  LOL.  Some simple Dollarama frames, with motivational qoutes also hang on the one wall, while I've utilized baskets of various sizes to keep my mats, weights and bands in order.  Overall I am happy with the how it turned out.

Do you have a gym space or a designated workout space in your home?     

Glad to be back here again after a week and a few days off!  Thanks for the kind and supportive words as I took a little detox break.  XOXO.  - Bo



  1. I love how your reno turned out! You are so lucky to have a dedicated space in your home! So fun to see all of your medals!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Thank you so much. I am so very lucky and although I run outdoors even in the depths of winter, I do have a limit so it's nice to have an indoor option. My treadmill was one of my biggest purchases as a young mom to be. 🙂

  2. What a terrific space you have created. Love the light, bright walls, the board displaying your medals and the motivational art work.

    I am trying to convince PC to let me order a treadmill for the garage. We had one that I kept in the guest bedroom but it was so large that we couldn't move it without dismantling it. I gave it away early in the spring right before Covid hit. Now I wish we had it back!!

    1. Oh I hear you. I've been so thankful for my space more than ever since COVID. Although I get out with the snow and fridgid cold, I also draw the line when it get colder than -13F, so it's nice to have an alternate space. I know that so many tradmills are super large and clunky but if you can fold it up it's a bit more efficient.

  3. I've had a few spots but the hubs keeps booting me out of them. sigh...
    We actually started getting rid of some of the equipment. I love my treadmill though on cold/rainy days

    1. It's hard to find a space for sure, especially once we all moved to being at home. I feel very lucky to have this room and keeping everything other thank the treadmill and elliptical, all my equipment is super simple. If I had to choose one piece though it would be my treadmill.

  4. You made such a nice space, it's good you have that so you can exercise as regularly as you want :) I can't run due to a knee injury a few years ago, I have a weak knee so running is out, but I admire those that can do it every day!

    Hope that you are having a great weekend :) It's a hot one here!

    Away From The Blue

    1. I know you have been working your way back from that knee injury, it's a slow and steady kind of recovery. Although I can't imagine a life where running was off the table for a long, long time, I have had injuries where I have had to take extended breaks from it. Finding joy in other activities such as swimming, walking, cycling and weight lifting was always nice. HOpe you have a fantastic week.

  5. Wow! I love your gym space. It's so bright and beautiful and so cool you have a treadmill! I don't have a specific room for working out but at the moment I just use our front room. I have a couple of weight sets that I use for weight lifting and I just use our stairs for cardio when I can't go outside to run. I hear you regarding taking a break. It's so necessary these days. On my end, I don't intend to take so many days away from visiting other blogs and engaging but lately, it's been so hard. My day have been overtaken by my son's remote learning and by the time, all is said and done, I don't want to stare at another screen! I was actually debating whether to give it all up but my heart isn't quite ready so I do my best to show up. I hope you are well and happy Saturday!

    Maureen |

    1. You've been a inmom and teacher now for a long time and I really admire that about you. I was so thankful that we had the option, an a safe option, to return to school in-person, alothough our cases are going up rapidly as we began November. I love my treadmill and when I was first pregnant that was the baby gift I wanted from the whole family a treadmill and a Chariot running stroller. Everything else I got second hand, but I really wanted to be able to get outdoors and exercise and/or have an outlet in our home. At the time I wasn't able to afford a gym membership, plus daycare, etc. so the two items and some weights as you mentioned were all I needed. I love having a dedicated space but most of my life I've been much more casual about it, using our living room when the weather didn't permit outdoor activity.

  6. Oh wow, your workout space looks so good! I love your colorful motivational artwork too! The only workout I do right now is yoga (other than taking walks) so I just do that in my living room. It would be nice to have a more dedicated space though!

  7. I have a treadmill, too and I use it when I can't get outside... I try to run 3 times a week and get outside on my Saturday run. On the other 3 days I workout, I do weights. My workouts have been around 30 minutes lately since I finished my half marathon training. I just need a slower pace right now until we get through the hectic holidays! This looks like such a nice space!


  8. No dedicated space for exercise at my house but I do have a small trampoline and weight in the sitting area of my room. I seldom do use them though because I really would rather be outdoors. Thankfully I can most of the time as we live in the south.

  9. Wow! Such an inspiring post!

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